Based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, every person under the age of eighteen is considered a child. As they grow older, the child acquires a number of rights.

The rights of the child
At birth, a child has legal capacity under civil law, that is, he has the right to receive a name, surname and patronymic, and also has the right to live and be raised in a family, knowing parents who will protect his rights and legitimate interests.
You can open a bank account in the name of your child.
At the age of one and a half years, the child has the right to attend a nursery. Upon reaching the age of three, he can go to kindergarten. At the age of six, a child has the right to go to school and enter into small household transactions that do not require a notarial certification.
At the age of ten, a citizen may agree to change his or her first or last name; can express his opinion about with whom of the parents in the event of divorce in court he wants to live.
Upon reaching the age of fourteen, the child has the right to obtain a passport, work in specially designated places, manage his own earnings and much more.
At the age of fifteen, a child can get a job. At the age of 16, a minor can get married with the permission of the local government and with good reason.
Methods for protecting the rights of the child
First of all, it should be noted that the rights of the child can be protected in any way, which, in turn, is not prohibited by law. Even a child can independently try to defend their rights.
In Russia, a minor has the right to be protected by a lawyer. The most universal way to protect the rights of the child is to seek help from qualified human rights organizations.
When asking whether a child whose rights have been violated can force the abuser to stop violating his rights or restore violated rights, without resorting to seeking help from law enforcement agencies or the court, know that this is possible. This action is defined as self-defense of civil rights.
This opportunity is given to every person, but the very method of self-defense, first of all, must be proportionate to the violation and in no case go beyond the limits of the actions taken to stop the violation.
It is often difficult to draw the line that separates the self-defense of civil rights and the beginning of arbitrariness. A distinctive feature of arbitrariness is that the child begins to act in violation of the order that is established by any law.
It should be noted that often the judicial procedure protects the rights of the child at a civilized level. But during the trial, you need to act in accordance with the established laws.