How To Cure A Runny Nose In One Day In A Child

How To Cure A Runny Nose In One Day In A Child
How To Cure A Runny Nose In One Day In A Child

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Among childhood diseases, one of the most common is the common cold. A runny nose or rhinitis occurs very often in babies of different ages, and the sooner parents take measures to eliminate the causes and symptoms of the disease, the easier it will be for the child. In this article, we will tell you how to quickly and effectively eliminate the causes of a cold and cure it with folk remedies in one day.

How to cure a runny nose in one day in a child
How to cure a runny nose in one day in a child


Step 1

At the very beginning of the illness, hang crushed garlic over the baby's bed, which will scare away germs. Prepare a sterile sea salt solution and add two to three drops to each nostril of the child using a pipette. This will free the mucus from the nasal passage.

Step 2

Rinsing should be done regularly - this will keep the nose clean and help eliminate the disease. If the child's nasal cavity swells, making breathing difficult, instill vasoconstrictor drops, for example, Nazivin or Derinat, no more than twice a day.

Step 3

Use a blower to suck mucus out of your child's nose if he is not already able to blow his nose. Only after cleaning the nose, instill drops inside.

Step 4

The child should be in a damp room - regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. Give him more warm drinks to replenish moisture in his body. It is useful to use drops "Protargol", which rid the nasal passages of purulent mucus.

Step 5

Lift your baby's pillow up at night to raise the level of his head. This will make breathing easier. Do inhalations from the asterisk balm before going to bed.

Step 6

For rinsing the nose, in addition to saline, use infusions of chamomile, calendula, plantain, sage, oregano, as well as sea buckthorn, peach and eucalyptus oils, which can be added to herbal infusions. Insist herbs in a glass of boiling water for two hours, then cool and rinse the child's nose through a pipette.

Step 7

Take two fresh aloe leaves, rinse them in warm water and squeeze out the juice. Dilute aloe juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 and instill 3-4 drops of juice in each nostril several times a day. Aloe allows you to quickly and effectively fight the common cold.

Step 8

A recognized treatment for children is foot and hand baths. Do them before bed, then wear woolen socks on your child and put him to bed. Prepare an infusion of birch leaves and pine needles for the foot bath. Pour a tablespoon of each herb with two liters of boiling water and boil for five minutes. Insist herbs for an hour, pour into a bowl and dilute to a temperature of 30-40 degrees. The child should sit next to the basin, placing his feet in it, so that the water reaches the knees. Do the bath for 20 minutes, after which the child needs to be put to bed.
