How Can You Justify A Man Who Abandoned His Pregnant Wife?

How Can You Justify A Man Who Abandoned His Pregnant Wife?
How Can You Justify A Man Who Abandoned His Pregnant Wife?

Pregnancy completely changes any relationship. Some couples become even happier, while others, unfortunately, break up. There are men who think only of themselves, and can safely leave their woman if she suddenly becomes pregnant.

How can you justify a man who abandoned his pregnant wife?
How can you justify a man who abandoned his pregnant wife?

Why men abandon pregnant women

Most often, a pregnant woman who has entered into a relationship with an emotionally immature man remains lonely. He is afraid of losing his freedom, he is terribly afraid of responsibility. It is unlikely that he is ready for a child financially. In addition, his beloved loses her seductive forms and begins to be capricious. In such a situation, the immature father-to-be runs away from the problems that have arisen, leaving the mother-to-be to fend for itself.

Most likely, a man who did not plan to start a serious relationship will leave. He did not consider his beloved as the chosen one for life, she was just a small episode in his life for him.

"Mama's son" can also run away from a pregnant woman, as he is used to being constantly looked after. He doesn't want to take care of anyone. And if his mother is against her grandchildren or she does not like the future daughter-in-law, then the "mama's son" will run away even faster.

Also, pregnant women are most often abandoned by careerists, alcoholics and drug addicts.

Can such a man be understood?

Normal men never leave their women if they carry their children under their hearts. Therefore, if you were left alone when you became pregnant, you chose your chosen one incorrectly.

It is impossible to understand or justify such a man. Be that as it may, this is his child, and he appeared for a reason. The man is as responsible for the baby's life as you are.

There are men who, after a while, return to the future mother of their child. They tend to panic, but, having pulled themselves together, they begin to look at the situation soberly. Such men can be understood and forgiven, but do not forget who you are dealing with. You can always expect a catch from such a person. But it's still better to live with him than all alone.

If he left without a trace, there is no point in trying to get him back all the time. If he doesn't want to listen to you, don't be humiliated. Such a person is not worthy of you or your baby. It will be very difficult for you, but do not despair. Most single mothers find new chosen ones who accept their children as their own. Be confident and your ex will know who he lost. Life will put everything in its place, in the end, you will be a happy woman with a loving child, and he will be a lonely man, tormented by torments of conscience.

Sooner or later, he will regret his deed. He dumped not only you, he dumped a child who could call him dad. Find the strength to survive all the difficulties, and you will definitely find real female happiness with a worthy man.
