Family harmony is built on mutual understanding and respect. What should be done if one of the spouses sinks to insults?

Step 1
The main thing is not to respond with an insult to an insult. The retaliatory aggression will only inflame the scandal. Moreover, in a fit of anger, you can say too much, which you will regret later, and the other half will remember the offense for a long time. Do not get excited, declare that talking in this tone is not for you and you will only communicate in a calm atmosphere.
Step 2
Do not put up with this, such treatment quickly becomes a habit and becomes the norm. Pick a time when your spouse is in a good mood and try to talk. Find out the reason for this aggression. Demand respect and appropriate treatment for yourself.
Step 3
Try to show more caring attention and affection. Lack of warmth in a relationship can affect a person by making them rude.
Step 4
Pay attention when outbursts of aggression occur. If your other half starts to lose his temper in the process of communication, when you prohibit something, or criticize, draw conclusions. Perhaps this is a lack of free space, or offends your loved one personally. This is how the protest is expressed. If outbursts of anger arise out of nowhere, this indicates deeper problems, moral fatigue, stress. It will not be superfluous to contact a specialist.
Step 5
If in childhood your other half watched how parents insult each other, then this is how the absorbed negative manifests itself. Talk to your spouse, this cannot be the norm for your family, your common child should not see and feel like that.
Step 6
No assault on your part is allowed. It happens when you cannot shout to a person, after a ringing slap in the face, he comes to his senses. Do not forget that in a fit of anger you can get back, and a scandal can turn into a fight.
Step 7
Do not let yourself get out of balance, respond calmly to all attacks. You can jokingly agree with the insults and at the same time show your good attitude towards your spouse. You can simply leave the room, from the apartment, referring to some urgent urgent matters.
Step 8
If a person does not want to make contact, and indeed does not see this as a problem, considering such communication to be the norm of life, think carefully about whether you can live with such a person. The family consists of two people equal to each other, family relationships are built on mutual care, love, respect.