A child at school may have conflicts not only with classmates, but also with teachers. In this case, parents cannot do without parental intervention, since the baby initially cannot interact with the teacher on an equal footing.

Step 1
Find out the child's perspective on the nature of the conflict. If, for example, he believes that the grade for the written work was given unfairly, review it yourself and analyze the adequacy of the teacher's actions.
Step 2
Make an appointment with your teacher in person. This can be done over the phone by calling the school and leaving a message for the teacher to the secretary. It is also convenient to negotiate an individual conversation after the parent meeting, if the teacher you are interested in was present. At the same time, it is not necessary to bring the problem up for public discussion before a personal meeting with him - first you need to find out the opinion of both parties to the conflict.
Step 3
When talking with the teacher, do not start your speech with accusations. Listen to his story, and then point out any of his actions that, from your point of view, were unacceptable. At the same time, try to be objective and to your child - not the fact that he acted correctly in everything. But some of the teacher's actions, for example, insults and especially assault, cannot be justified even by the unacceptable behavior of the student.
Step 4
If you are unable to find a common language with the teacher, contact the director. Try to state the facts without giving in to unnecessary emotions. Try to find a solution that works for everyone. With a protracted conflict, it may be justified to transfer the child to a parallel class, to a group where another teacher teaches.
Step 5
If there are no results of the director's influence, write a complaint to the district education department. You can do this yourself or as part of an initiative group of parents if not only your child is dissatisfied with the teacher. Department staff will be required to respond to your request. Since the education department has wide powers, it is very likely that after their intervention, the teacher will change his behavior.