Choosing a name for a child is very responsible. I want it to be beautiful, to fit the character of the child and to like him. And when you are expecting two kids at once, then doubts are twice more. After all, it is necessary that the names also be combined with each other.

Step 1
Choose names that don't sound very similar. For example, Olya-Ulya, Vanya-Danya or Masha-Dasha sound cute and interesting at first glance. But young children can have difficulty and confusion remembering their own name.
Step 2
Think about how the names will sound in the diminutive form. There are names that do not imply abbreviations, such as Iya, Yang, or Dina. If you call one baby with a similar name, then the second should be given a name in the same way.
Step 3
Start from the middle name. Both names must be combined with it. If the middle name is too long, you should not choose long names. Pay attention to the ending of the name and the beginning of the middle name. If there are a vowel and a consonant at the junction of words, then the name and patronymic will sound soft and melodic, for example, Oleg and Gleb Alekseevich, Marina and Svetlana Vasilievna. Combinations of several vowels or several consonants are more difficult to pronounce: Anna and Irina Alekseevna, Konstantin and Rostislav Stanislavovich.
Step 4
Don't try to give your children names that start with the same letter. Danila and Diana sound beautiful, but if you don't have a heart for a name and you want to call your child not Danila, but Sergei, do as your heart says. Children are not purebred puppies or kittens. Why such a framework and conventions?
Step 5
Choose names according to Christmas time. Perhaps this is the easiest way. Recently, it is also a tribute to fashion. You can always choose from a number of names, those that you like more. So, children born on January 10 can be given such names as Agafya, Antonia, Babila, Glycerius, Efim Ignatius, Nikanor, Peter, Secund, Simon, Theophilus.
Step 6
Try to think of names in such a way that one is not too common and the other is very rare, such as Raphael and Sergei or Agrippina and Svetlana. It will not be the best option if one name is very short and the other is long, for example, Evangeline and Ada, or Svyatoslav and Gleb.