Very rarely, the first (usually youthful) love develops in a couple into an adult and mature love. More often, something else happens: people part in order to meet another love and build other relationships. It's just that it's hard to love again.

Step 1
Consider, no matter how painful it is, that the ended relationship was not in vain for you: there was happiness that you will remember with joy, there was also pain, after experiencing which you became a slightly different person - stronger. Look at breaking up with a once loved one from a positive perspective as invaluable experience in a relationship.
Step 2
“Let go” of your former love, look at it as if from the outside. And although the memories of that feeling will remain with you forever, leave them in yourself only as memories - no more. If you need tears - cry, you need pity - have pity on yourself. But, having thus cleared of unbearable pain, put a "barrier" between the former feeling and the state of freedom from it, which will now be with you. You are free!
Step 3
Accept the world and the people around you with all the fullness of your free soul - rejoice at the rising sun (even if your heart is melancholy - look at this sunrise and smile at it), people in transport (look at their stern faces and imagine what they were like in childhood: that scowling mustachioed man was probably a fat-cheeked stubborn toddler, and the woman with bags was a mischievous one with pigtails). Meet your colleagues with a smile - they will also smile in return, and this cheers you up.
Step 4
Spend more time away from home with friends, and you will notice that you are ready to receive the joy of life: new experiences, new acquaintances and, possibly, new love.
Step 5
Open your heart towards new relationships: let a smile illuminate your face more often, your voice sounds loud and joyful - representatives of the opposite sex pay attention to people with a positive attitude and a bright attitude towards life. Maybe your happiness is walking alongside, it just hasn't noticed you yet - so give it a reason to attract attention.
Step 6
Do not consider all members of the opposite sex to be the same as a former beloved person - people are different from each other, and, perhaps, it is with the other that you will be happy. There is love, you just need not resist it when it knocks on your heart. Do not reject a person who sincerely wants to be near you - take a closer look at him: maybe this is the one destined by fate.