Did you find out that you are pregnant? and you have happy months of waiting for your baby ahead of you. But I want to know in advance when you can go on a well-deserved vacation. How to calculate the date of the decree?

Step 1
To begin with, you yourself or with the help of an obstetrician-gynecologist in an antenatal clinic need to find out the duration of pregnancy. The beginning of pregnancy is the first day of the last menstrual period. When figuring out the approximate date of birth, doctors count the weeks of pregnancy, starting from this date.
Step 2
Next, the doctor will suggest that you undergo an examination in a gynecological chair and an ultrasound examination. Based on these results, it will be known more precisely which week of pregnancy you are currently in.
Step 3
Based on this, you can calculate the date of going on maternity leave. In our country, it is provided to women who have reached the full 30 weeks of pregnancy, and is 70 days before childbirth and 70 after. If the pregnancy is multiple, 84 calendar days are given before the baby is born and 110 after. Also, the period of postpartum maternity leave will be increased by 14 days if the woman underwent a cesarean section, or the childbirth was complicated.
Step 4
You can go on maternity leave before 30 weeks of pregnancy. But this can be done only if you have left unused your usual vacation due for a year. Or because of poor health. But then it will already be an absence on a sick leave, and it will be paid accordingly.
Step 5
If you do not tolerate pregnancy very well, then tell your boss about it. Perhaps they will enter your position and transfer you to an easier duty or shorten your working hours. True, in this case, you are likely to lose in salary. But the health and tranquility of mom and baby is more important now, isn't it? Enjoy your pregnancy and easy delivery!