What Are The Signs Of Pregnancy

What Are The Signs Of Pregnancy
What Are The Signs Of Pregnancy
What are the signs of pregnancy
What are the signs of pregnancy

Mood swings


Are you a calm woman, like a boa constrictor, suddenly began to notice a sharp change in your mood? And those around you began to complain about your nervousness … Why would you suddenly? It's simple. 9 out of 10 women suffer from mood swings during pregnancy. Most likely, your spouse or boyfriend will notice this sign the fastest. He still has so many whims to endure …



Do you feel tired 2 hours after breakfast? You can hardly endure the day at work, and when you come home, you fall into bed and fall asleep? Do you want to sleep all the time? So sleep. While there is a possibility. It is likely that soon you will only dream of a dream.



Has the smell of your own perfume become annoying? You reluctantly go to the refrigerator, and when you open it, you can determine the expiration date of the sausage by its smell? Use this ability. After 9 months, it will disappear.



A salmon sandwich in the morning suddenly began to cause a storm of protest in your stomach? Has the food become something "different" at all? Only when you wake up, you instantly fly to the toilet, "say hello to a white friend"? Don't worry, it's only for 2-4 months. By the second trimester, toxicosis usually ends.

Delay of menstruation


"Guests from Krasnodar" haven't visited you for a long time? Are you so wrapped up that you completely forgot when they should come? Strain your memory. After all, a delay in menstruation is one of the most obvious signs of pregnancy. So be on the lookout. Take the time to run home to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test on your way home. Most likely, it will come in handy.

Changing taste preferences


Has the stock of pickles in your home started to decrease at a breakneck pace? And sometimes you just want to nibble on a piece of raw meat or just peeled potatoes? Rejoice, eat what you want. Now any whim of yours will become law for those around you. Only, please, without fanaticism. Don't make the waiter in the cafe look for a piece of chalk for you.

Pregnancy test


If the previous signs may still raise doubts about whether you are pregnant, then this option gives a 99% guarantee. A pregnancy test is best done a few days after the delay, rather than half an hour after intercourse. Better to do a couple of tests with a difference of 2-3 days. Don't worry about seeing 2 stripes. Pregnancy is wonderful! Better think about how to tell your husband about the pregnancy.

Arrange a joint visit to a gynecologist and an ultrasound scan. Let the new dad get used to the idea that there will be three of you soon.
