Likely Signs Of Pregnancy

Likely Signs Of Pregnancy
Likely Signs Of Pregnancy

An inexperienced woman may not always recognize the signs of pregnancy. Especially if there is no pronounced toxicosis. In this case, it is worth paying attention not only to the physical manifestations of the emerging new life, but also to emotional changes.

Likely signs of pregnancy
Likely signs of pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy - how to understand that it has come

In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is almost impossible to determine its onset. Even a test that reacts to the level of the hCG hormone in the urine will detect an increase only after two to three weeks. Before that, signs of pregnancy are rare. But it all depends on the woman's body. There are those who, literally a few days after fertilization of the egg, begin to feel drowsiness or, conversely, increased excitability. This is explained by hormonal changes. In some cases, after two to three weeks, the chest begins to grow and hurt, and there is a persistent rejection of pungent odors and some products. All these are signs of toxicosis. It is not a fact that they will grow stronger. Many people feel discomfort for literally two to three weeks, then the body's work gets better.

Lack of menstruation is the first sign of pregnancy. But its presence does not always mean that conception did not occur. In some, the discharge continues until the fifth or sixth month. This is a reason to see a doctor.

Another sign of pregnancy is a change in body temperature. But it can only be recorded in dynamics. Basal temperature should be measured in the morning, before getting out of bed. Every day from the moment of cessation of menstruation, before and after the intended conception. A thermometer is inserted into the vagina or anus. Better to use electronic, it will show the result in just sixty seconds. After the intended conception, the basal temperature increases by about half a degree. That is, if normal for a woman is 36, 6, then the next day after pregnancy it will become 37, 1 - 37, 3. And it will last at least eighteen - thirty days. This method is quite accurate, many use it to determine the onset of conception.

Pregnancy that occurs is not always accompanied by toxicosis. very often a woman does not have the slightest manifestation of hormonal changes other than the absence of menstruation.

Pregnancy or hormonal imbalance - how to understand

All of the above signs of pregnancy, perhaps, except for the hormone test, may indicate a hormonal failure. That is, you cannot trust them one hundred percent. If there is any doubt that conception has taken place, five to six weeks after the date of the delay in menstruation, you need to come for a consultation with a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, determine the size of the uterus, possibly give a referral for an ultrasound scan and ask to donate blood for analysis. Only after such complex actions it will be possible to say with one hundred percent certainty that the pregnancy has really come.
