There are many popular signs that allow you to determine the sex of the child already at an early stage of pregnancy. Of course, it is much easier to find out with the help of an ultrasound scan, but this procedure will give a result not earlier than 15 weeks.

Step 1
One of the signs says that girls "draw" beauty from their mothers, especially in the first months. Changes in skin tone, swelling and puffiness of the face, the appearance of various skin rashes that appear after conception may indicate pregnancy with a girl. Many pregnant women claimed that the sex of the child in their cases was indicated by the condition of the skin. They believe that if the skin dries, flakes, becomes covered with untidy age spots, this clearly indicates the female sex of the child.
Step 2
It is believed that during the gestation of a girl, toxicosis is very debilitating and prolonged. The expectant mother is constantly haunted by nausea and poor health. However, if you are expecting your first child, and you have nothing to compare with, this omen will be useless for you.
Step 3
Women carrying girls show much more finicky food. They often have an addiction to citrus fruits, sweets and ice cream. During the bearing of the boy, the taste preferences are completely different - meat, saltiness and wine. It has been noticed that mothers of future heiresses do not enjoy meat, fish and bread crust, and their appetite is much worse than that of boys' mothers.
Step 4
The shape of the abdomen may indirectly indicate the sex of the unborn child. It is believed that if a woman is pregnant with a girl, her waist first floats, so her interesting position can be seen even from the back. According to signs, during pregnancy with a girl, the belly is high enough, has a rounded, "blunt" shape, even if it protrudes far forward.
Step 5
It has been noticed that girls spend most of their time in the left abdomen, pushing their mothers into the liver. Usually a girl's heart beats much faster than a boy's. The heart rate is around 140 beats per minute or more.
Step 6
It is much easier to determine the sex of the unborn child for women who give birth again, because in this case there is something to compare with. If the course of pregnancy does not differ too much from previous experience, it is likely that the sex of the baby will be the same as in the previous case. If there is a difference, it is likely that the sex of the baby will be the opposite. It is natural that pregnancy proceeds in different ways, depending on the sex of the fetus, because already in the early stages, the female or male fetus secrete different hormones that enter the woman's bloodstream and affect her well-being.
Step 7
Recently, scientists have concluded that thin women are more likely to give birth to daughters, this is due to the fact that female fetuses are much more resistant to various adverse conditions, which include underweight pregnant women.