How To Carry A Baby After A Miscarriage

How To Carry A Baby After A Miscarriage
How To Carry A Baby After A Miscarriage

For a married couple, a miscarriage is a serious ordeal, bringing pain and bitterness from the unfulfilled dream of having a child. Often after a tragedy, women are afraid to even think about a new pregnancy, blaming themselves for the death of the fetus. But sooner or later, nature takes its toll, and loving spouses again think about how to carry a child.

How to carry a baby after a miscarriage
How to carry a baby after a miscarriage

Psychological attitude

After a miscarriage, a woman should put her nervous system in order and tune in to a positive mood. At least six months should pass before trying to get pregnant again. This period is usually set aside by doctors to restore all the functions of the female body. During this time, it is better for the spouses to try to forget about the miscarriage and go on a romantic journey to change their surroundings.

After the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother is obliged to protect herself from negative emotions and accidents. Any attempts by friends and family to remind of the unsuccessful outcome should be thwarted. A man should protect his spouse and please her more often - albeit insignificant, but cute little things.

Health care

According to statistics, miscarriage occurs in the early stages for a natural reason - the non-viability of the embryo. No one is immune from this, and most often a woman has no health problems. But if a miscarriage occurs after the 12th week of pregnancy, then the condition of the female body requires a thorough examination. It can reveal the causes of fetal death:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • the presence of viral infections;
  • trauma to the internal genital organs;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • chronic diseases;
  • abnormal structure of organs.

As for sexually transmitted diseases, the man will have to undergo tests with his wife, and, if the results are positive, undergo treatment.

A routine examination will help correct a woman's health before a subsequent pregnancy and increase the chances of a successful bearing of a child.


Pregnancy is considered a natural state of a woman, but at the same time her body is undergoing a rather serious stress. Therefore, for the successful bearing of a baby after a miscarriage, it is important to lead a certain lifestyle.

To refuse from bad habits. The expectant mother should understand that nicotine, along with alcohol, significantly alienates her from the miracle of carrying her beloved child in her arms.

Moderate physical activity. In the first weeks of pregnancy, daily walks in the fresh air at a moderate pace are permissible and, with the permission of a doctor, special gymnastics.

Less people. To prevent seasonal infections, it is better for a pregnant woman to avoid frequent visits to crowded places.

Proper nutrition. Any product in the diet of a pregnant woman should be free from dyes, flavors and other harmful substances. During this period of life, it is better to choose more natural food with sufficient levels of vitamins.

Visit your gynecologist regularly. Scheduled visits to the antenatal clinic will help to identify problems in a timely manner and take measures to prevent miscarriage.

A woman after a miscarriage should not fall into depression for a long time and return her thoughts to the past. It is better to pull yourself together and do everything possible to achieve the main goal in life - the birth of a child.
