How An Early Miscarriage Occurs: Causes And Symptoms

How An Early Miscarriage Occurs: Causes And Symptoms
How An Early Miscarriage Occurs: Causes And Symptoms

A wonderful time comes in the life of every woman - pregnancy. In most cases, a woman successfully carries a child for all nine months and eventually meets her long-awaited baby. However, it is not uncommon for a pregnancy to be terminated. Most often this happens before the 12th week of pregnancy, when the embryo has not yet formed.

How an early miscarriage occurs: causes and symptoms
How an early miscarriage occurs: causes and symptoms

How does a miscarriage occur?

In most cases, a woman loses a child at a very early stage, when she is not even aware of the onset of pregnancy. The absence of menstruation is recorded as an ordinary delay, and after a few days, critical days come - stronger and more painful than usual. Bleeding quickly returns to normal, the pain disappears, and the woman does not go to the gynecologist to find out the cause. If profuse discharge and painful sensations last more than 2-3 days, then you just need to see a doctor.

A spontaneous abortion can be diagnosed with one hundred percent probability when, on one of the days of painful and profuse bleeding, a large blood clot comes out of the vagina. Usually, such a clot looks more like a blood bubble, which can be whole or burst. In this case, the visit to the gynecologist cannot be postponed. It is necessary to find out exactly whether it was a miscarriage, or something else. If the fact of spontaneous miscarriage is confirmed, then the doctor must find out whether it is necessary to carry out additional cleaning of the uterus from the remnants of the embryo tissue.

Most often, a miscarriage in early pregnancy can go completely unnoticed by a woman. However, for those planning to become a mother and looking forward to getting pregnant, it can be extremely difficult to cope with the loss of a fetus. A woman's body is not always ready to bear a healthy child, and any living organism is programmed to get rid of genetically unhealthy offspring.

Causes of early miscarriage

The main reasons for miscarriage are many and most of them can seriously undermine both the physical and psycho-emotional health of both parents.

  1. Congenital, genetic defects. In the process of fusion of two reproductive cells of the parents, a zygote is formed, which should contain 44 somatic and 2 sex chromosomes - 46 in total. If during the formation of the embryo some defective genetic information is found, an incorrect set of chromosomes (more or less of them), mutations, the mother's body gets rid of the wrong set of cells. Thus, natural selection begins to take place in the womb.
  2. Hormonal disbalance. For the entire life of a person, special biologically active substances are responsible, which are produced by the body in a given situation. Hormones are always in a certain balance, shaping the appearance and mood of a person, affecting metabolism and general health. A constant violation or frequent jumps in the hormonal background can provoke a spontaneous termination of pregnancy by the body. For example, when the expectant mother is under constant stress, the body produces adrenaline, which negatively affects the blood circulation and tone of the pregnant uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage. This happens because a woman's own life is more important for a woman's body than an unformed fetus. In addition, there are a number of hormonal diseases that do not allow a child to be carried out normally.
  3. Inconsistency of the Rh factor of the mother and the child. It is very rare for a person to have a negative Rh factor. Even less often, women with similar blood can bear and give birth to a healthy child. Most people on the planet have a positive Rh factor, and if the father of the child has such a mark in his medical record, then the baby, most likely, too. The maternal organism with a negative factor will perceive the fetal tissues as foreign, and the fetus will be rejected. The modern level of medicine allows us to overcome this problem, and an increasing percentage of women with this problem give birth to healthy babies.
  4. Parental infectious diseases. Any disease, acute or chronic, can negatively affect both conception and an already forming embryo. It is necessary to get rid of any disease, especially an infectious one, even before the onset of pregnancy. It is necessary to undergo treatment for both parents, since often the fetus also becomes infected from sexually transmitted diseases of one of the partners. In addition, you should be carefully checked for the presence of inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs. Any temperature above 37 degrees can cause spontaneous abortion.
  5. Previous abortions. Any interference with the natural course of the body's life is stressful and can cause various problems in the future. This can be not only a surgical abortion, but also a special drug, a folk method and other home methods of abortion that the attending physician may not know about. With a high probability, such an intervention can result in subsequent negative pregnancy outcomes and even infertility.
  6. Taking medicines that are contraindicated in bearing a fetus. Most drugs are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women unless the risk is justified. Very often, the drugs themselves can cause the malformation of organ systems, and this will provoke spontaneous abortion.

There are many more reasons that can lead to a miscarriage. The lifestyle of the expectant mother, her psycho-emotional state, physical activity and much more, has a very large impact on the favorable course of pregnancy.

Miscarriage symptoms

Harbingers of fetal rejection at all stages of pregnancy are acute pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding. In the early stages, women often mistake such symptoms for periods that began a little later. But if it was already known about pregnancy, you must immediately seek medical help.

The main symptoms of a miscarriage are:

  • acute pain in the lower abdomen, it will probably be given to the lower back;
  • vaginal discharge (bloody or slightly brownish, profuse);
  • increasing the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body (temperature, headache, weakness, nausea).

An increased uterine tone is usually impossible to diagnose on its own. However, other signs should alert a woman in position. They may indicate not only miscarriage, but also other pathologies.

The discharge may be mild, but with an admixture of blood. In this case, the chances of saving the fetus increase significantly.

What to do if you have symptoms of a miscarriage

All gynecologists recommend, at the first sign of a possible miscarriage, to take a comfortable horizontal position, calm down and call an ambulance. In some cases, a woman is completely forbidden to get out of bed. Naturally, any physical activity at this moment is fatal for the baby.

Calming practices and breathing exercises are often recommended to reduce the anxiety level of the expectant mother. Excessive experiences can only aggravate the condition, as they provoke the release of unwanted hormones in the mother's body. It is important to think about something pleasant and good. For example, how to finally see the baby and take him on the arms for the first time, how he will grow up smart and healthy. A positive attitude and the right emotions will not only reduce the level of anxiety, but also distract from painful sensations, help you relax and calmly wait for the ambulance crew.

Early miscarriage prevention

If both partners have made a serious and balanced decision to become parents, then they must definitely prepare not only for the birth of a child, but also for the pregnancy itself. Both parents-to-be must be physically healthy, free from serious chronic diseases and bad habits. In addition, it is recommended to undergo a number of additional studies:

  • genetic examination - allows you to identify the risks of developing congenital pathologies;
  • endocrinological examination;
  • gynecological examination;
  • urological examination;
  • tests for the presence of viral sexually transmitted infections.

However, if the pregnancy came unexpectedly, but is quite acceptable, then the woman needs to completely rebuild her entire rhythm of life. It is important to stop taking medications that are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, get rid of all bad habits and start leading a healthier and more measured lifestyle. In this case, the risk of spontaneous abortion is significantly reduced.
