Every parent wants their child to grow up strong and disruptive, to be able to achieve all their goals and be successful. For all this, a kid should develop real fighting qualities from an early age, because in the modern world no one and nothing surrenders without a fight.

Step 1
Human fighters are not team players at all, because they cannot rely on anyone but themselves. You should take this into account and try to convey this to the baby as easily as possible. However, extremes should be avoided here, because the child should rely only on his own strength in solving problems and achieving the set goals. But this does not mean at all that the whole world around him will obstruct him.
Step 2
The main fighting qualities are dedication, will to win and self-confidence. You must develop all these qualities in a child when raising a fighter. Purposefulness, for example, can be fostered by constantly setting goals for the baby and encouraging them to achieve them. The will to win will help to foster constant participation in contests and competitions with the desired prizes. As for self-confidence, then it is worth inspiring the kid that he is the best. Just do not overdo it, because you do not want to raise an egoist child instead of a child-fighter.

Step 3
A child-fighter will help you to educate sections on wrestling, boxing, karate and the like. In addition, the self-confidence that physical superiority provides will have a great effect on the baby's perception of himself. Only here it is also important not to cross the line. Child fighters, growing up, often reject everything that somehow prevents them from achieving success. You can also get into the ranks of the rejected. So think twice, do you want your child to be a fighter?