If you do not keep pets or you had to get rid of them during your pregnancy, then be prepared for the fact that sooner or later your child will insistently demand to have a cat, dog or someone else.

Benefit or harm?
The animals in the home will teach your child kindness, care and responsibility. But, at the same time, you need to understand that getting an animal while your child is still very small is still not worth it. Still, there is a considerable risk of exacerbation of allergic reactions or infection with some infectious disease. Better to wait until the baby grows up.
Whom should you choose?
First you need to assess your living conditions. A private house would be most suitable for any animal. If you live in an apartment, then the best choice for you will be small breeds or varieties of animals.
For children 3-4 years old, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds or aquarium fish are suitable. These animals do not require training, constant attention and specific care. Moreover, their maintenance will not cause much trouble for parents. At this age, the child is trying to get to know the world around him, so you should not overreact emotionally if the baby caught a fish he liked or released the bird from the cage. It is necessary to calmly and gently make it clear that this cannot be done and explain the reasons.
A 5-year-old child can no longer just watch, but also partially care for his pet. You can instruct him, for example, to wash the bowl of the rabbit. Taking care of animals teaches your toddler responsibility. But it is still worth controlling the quality of the tasks performed. And if they are improperly performed, point out to the child his mistakes, also explaining the possible consequences (for example, a poorly washed bowl can lead to a pet's illness).
At 7-8 years old, the child can already take care of the animal on his own. Moreover, if there are several animals, for example, a bird and a rodent, then the child will be interested in observing and comparing their habits. As a rule, this age is ideal for acquiring small breed cats and dogs. The child will take care of the animal and receive affection and affection in return.
At the age of 14-15, you can have absolutely any animals. The child is already an adult and may well independently train a large breed dog, walk with it or take it to a dog school.
In general, it is possible and even necessary to have pets, but when choosing, it is worth considering the age of the child and his desire to care for the pet.