Eloquence is far from the only way to attract female attention. Often, men neglect the power of non-verbal communication, and in fact it allows you to turn flirting into an exciting game that will help establish contact between two people even before they say the first words to each other. And in the future, moving to the stage of personal communication, the man will behave more confidently and more relaxed, knowing that the woman has already become interested in his person.

The power of the gaze
The magic of eye contact needs no further introduction. It is enough to at least remember the phenomenon of love at first sight. When you accidentally meet a woman's eyes, try to hold her gaze and smile warmly. Long, wordless eye contact will tell her that you are confident, and smiling will be proof of a friendly attitude. It is certainly difficult to look another person in the eye if you are nervous. Therefore, to ease anxiety, you need, firstly, to take a deep breath, and secondly, to learn to "smile with your eyes." To do this, try to remember what your look becomes after a long laugh. Remember this feeling of warmth, relaxation, openness and try to reproduce it by looking at the woman you are interested in.
Non-verbal banter
A good sense of humor works almost without fail on the female sex. But you can joke without the help of words. For example, when exchanging glances with a stranger, you might try making a funny face to make her smile and make her laugh. If the woman reacts positively, it will be easier to approach her and start a conversation.
Confident body language

When you walk around, hunched over and with your hands in your pockets, it is foolish to expect a woman to notice the power of your charm. Confident body language that attracts the weaker sex implies a straight posture, straightened shoulders, and a slightly raised chin. Also, avoid unnecessary movement and fuss. Having outlined a goal, clearly move towards it, without deviating from the chosen path. Then, watching you, any woman will understand that there is a strong and confident man in front of her.
Well-groomed appearance
Women are attracted to well-dressed and well-groomed men. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive things. The main thing is that your clothes are clean, tidy, not too wrinkled and appropriate for the occasion. Of course, wardrobe items such as slippers and sweatpants are best left at home. As for grooming, in this case, clean, trimmed nails and hair, as well as a regular shower are enough. All these moments, adding up to a single picture, will help a woman, even at a distance, to perceive you in a positive way.

Women are very sensitive to the violation of personal boundaries. And at the same time, they regard an attempt to approach them as a sign of interest. Not all people can easily close the distance in the process of communication, so first try to lean towards the girl quite a bit, act slowly. If she herself makes a step forward, do not instinctively retreat back. Otherwise, it will seem to her that you are closed and not in the mood to continue dating.
Random touches
You should only move on to touches if they look appropriate. For example, give a girl a hand, help in a moment of awkwardness, hug a little in a fit of emotion. In addition, do not forget that women like to feel the strength and confidence in masculine touch. If your hands tremble treacherously, she is unlikely to be delighted with a man who does not cope well with excitement.
Communication with other people

If you are with friends, they can also help you impress a woman. For this, fortunately, you do not need to ask them to act as intermediaries in your acquaintance. It is enough just to communicate with them - easily and naturally. Laugh, joke, have a carefree time, as you usually do in a friendly company. Observing you from the sidelines, a woman will easily see what kind of person you are, and, perhaps, will be interested in you even more.
A smile is the best means of successful communication. So why not use it to win women's sympathy? A sincere, kind, warm smile breaks down any barriers, neutralizes hostility and wariness on the part of a woman. After all, every person seeks to communicate with people who look happy and have a positive attitude. Therefore, when you do not know what to say or do, just smile at the object of your sympathy.
Striving to look your best
When women defiantly preen themselves in the presence of a man, the stronger sex perceives this as an element of coquetry. Men, in principle, can also adopt this technique. Noticing how you straighten your hair or tie, remove an invisible speck of dust from your jacket, the girl will unconsciously catch your desire to please her. The most important thing is not to overdo it with putting yourself in order, otherwise she will think that you are suffering from a nervous breakdown.

A halo of mystery and enigma created by a man around him has a magnetic effect on women. If an open and friendly look immediately tells the girl about your intentions, then serious and thoughtful contemplation can provoke curiosity in her, smoothly flowing into interest, even if she was initially not in the mood for communication. This technique is good because it demonstrates attention in a less aggressive form, immediately depriving the woman of any warlike attitude. Of course, you don't need to overact too much, otherwise you will look strange and comical in her eyes.