For the female body, side effects from all kinds of hormonal drugs are very difficult, but unwanted pregnancy remains a frightening factor for girls. Here you can’t hope to "carry over". So it's worth familiarizing yourself with five options for preventing unwanted pregnancies without using pills.

Sex with a condom
This is the first way to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancies. This is the first thing that comes to mind if you are thinking about protection. But still, this option is suitable if you do not have regular sex. If you have a regular partner, then he may not like using condoms every time.
Cap or diaphragm
A special barrier made of a diaphragm or a cap is a good way of protection. But it is only suitable for nulliparous women. The introduction of the cap requires skill, if it is carried out incorrectly, the degree of protection will decrease to zero. Often the diaphragm is combined with spermicides to enhance the effect.
Pregnancy patch
The patch has side effects because it is a hormonal remedy. But using it is quite simple: you attach the plaster on an inconspicuous part of the body, change it once a week. But remember: the patch has the same contraindications as the pills!
Chemical contraception
Today you can buy vaginal capsules, tampons, suppositories, creams that contain chemicals that are harmful to sperm. But these methods are suitable for girls who have an irregular sex life, as irritation may appear from their use. In addition, the percentage of protection is not very high from these funds. So think carefully - is it worth the risk?
Special injection
There are special hormonal injections, the doctor injects a special agent every 2 or 3 months. The technique is suitable only for girls who have already given birth and who are under forty years old. Side effects from injections last until the end of the injection itself, it is impossible to reverse its effect!
The current methods of contraception make sex safe. Having learned how to protect yourself without pills, you can probably find the best way to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy.