A girl going to a meeting with a young man often thinks about how and what to talk to him about. The first conversation is very important, because it is he who becomes one of the decisive arguments in favor of whether to meet further or not.

Step 1
Try to keep the middle ground. Men do not like girls who are too restrained, squeezed. However, they also do not like frivolous, cheeky girls. Stay calm, but at the same time, do not be nervous and behave naturally. Avoid an arrogant, dismissive tone and be friendly.
Step 2
Don't say too much, allowing the young man to also say what he wants. When he speaks, look closely into his eyes. If you do not understand something, it is better to ask again. Sometimes a man may become silent, for example, if you have finished discussing a topic. At the same time, you should not remain dead silence and wait until he starts talking again. Start the conversation yourself, this will avoid the possible awkwardness and shyness that is often experienced at such moments.
Step 3
Remember that men's interests are most often different from those of women. To make it interesting for your companion to communicate with you, you should find out something else about him before the meeting. Find out what his hobbies and hobbies are. Try to start a conversation about a topic that he understands well. You can ask him to tell you more about this by asking clarifying questions.
Step 4
Leave curiosity aside if you have it. You should not immediately ask a man questions about his personal life, as well as tell what rumors are circulating about him, otherwise he may be embarrassed or respond with irritation. You can talk about such topics only if you and your companion feel at ease in communication and are ready to learn something more frank about each other.
Step 5
Avoid banal topics: weather, study, work, etc. A man can get bored and you run the risk of being boring to him. Joke more, smile and show your friendliness. Tell us all the most interesting and noteworthy from your life, but without bragging. Remember that your ultimate goal is to please the man and make him want to meet you again.