How And What To Talk About With A Girl, So As Not To Be Sent

How And What To Talk About With A Girl, So As Not To Be Sent
How And What To Talk About With A Girl, So As Not To Be Sent

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Communication with a girl is a whole art, and the first impression you make is especially important. It depends on him whether this acquaintance will have a continuation.

How and what to talk about with a girl so as not to be sent
How and what to talk about with a girl so as not to be sent


Step 1

When you are about to speak to a girl, be yourself. Do not pretend to be someone who you really are not. All your attempts to add someone else's dignity to yourself can only cause irritation or a sarcastic smile. In addition, the girl will immediately understand that you are not confident in yourself, you have little experience with women, and you generally feel uncomfortable in this situation.

Step 2

Don't go to extremes: don't start your acquaintance with vulgar jokes, anecdotes, or a boring and long story about the invention of the first airplane. As a rule, most girls do not like overly cheeky, as well as overly boring guys. Also, do not use old and long-boring trap phrases. The question "Where is the nofelet?" was relevant thirty years ago. And in general, try to avoid stupid questions that run counter to the reality around you - as a rule, such jokes do not cause much delight in girls.

Step 3

Do not get used to the image of a jester, humor should be used within reason. Seriousness, adequacy, sincerely respectful tone - all this will not allow the girl to send you to hell.

Step 4

If you know at least something about a girl's interests and hobbies, it will be easier for you to find a common language. Talk to her about what she is interested in, do not be afraid to ask questions if you do not know something. Just remember that your interest must be truly genuine.

Step 5

Pay attention to your appearance, state of mind and facial expression - this is exactly what the girl evaluates in the first moments of communication with you. If these components of your image are unbalanced and it is far from harmonious, they are unlikely to want to continue acquaintance with you. You should not try to get acquainted with a girl and intoxicated, this gives even more chances to be sent.

Step 6

When starting a conversation with a girl, you should not throw appraising glances at her. It is best to look in the eyes or at the point on the forehead above the bridge of the nose. It is also not recommended to look away or direct it under your feet - this is an indicator of self-doubt. But don't be macho either. The golden mean is what any sane person should adhere to.

Step 7

Smile when you meet a girl. At the same time, your smile should be as natural as possible, and your gaze should be open and benevolent. In the first minutes of acquaintance, you should not dismiss your hands or gesticulate with them vigorously. It is also not worth keeping them in your pockets.

Step 8

Avoid unprintable expressions and other, far from generally accepted norms of behavior, actions. Try to relax and enjoy the conversation, do not answer questions in monosyllables or take long pauses. Everything should be as natural as possible, then the girl will certainly appreciate all your best qualities.

Step 9

Come up with an interesting reason to start a conversation with a stranger, it will largely depend on the circumstances under which you met. If this happened, for example, in a bar, you can discuss a dish or sounding music, if at an exhibition of paintings - about artists, etc. Just do not get carried away with those topics that the girl is not interested in.

Step 10

Call the girl by her name after you know it. This inspires a lot of confidence, but don't overdo it. For half an hour of communication, it is enough to say out loud her name 1-2 times. And don't forget that girls value respect and the sincere interest shown in them.
