How To Deal With Enemies

How To Deal With Enemies
How To Deal With Enemies

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Enemies and envious people appear in a person when he succeeds. Mostly this situation occurs at work. If this is your problem - at your favorite job, with good bosses, someone appears to put a spoke in the wheels - then you will find useful advice on how to deal with enemies.

How to deal with enemies
How to deal with enemies


Step 1

If your foe loves to quarrel and is ready to arrange a squabble with you because of any little thing, you must remember that the main goal of the brawler is to provoke a response from the interlocutor. The best tactic in this case is to remain outwardly calm and indifferent to all his attacks in your direction. In order not to remain unanswered to his cries, you can respond calmly and ironically to those claims that he presents to you. To reduce such attacks, try to avoid the company of this person.

Step 2

If your enemy is a gossip, then you should deal with him differently. It is frustrating to know that you are the subject of discussion at work. It's easy to understand that someone is spreading rumors behind your back - they start to look at you strangely and even giggle in the trail. In this case, watch your behavior, what, how and with whom you are discussing. Remember that there are no friends during work. Therefore, do not open your soul to unfamiliar colleagues. Usually a gossiper is always happy to discuss something, he asks for details and details about your life, accompanying the conversation with remarks like “What are you? And what is he?"

Step 3

Your enemy may be envious. Some envy secretly and silently, others openly, reacting extremely negatively to your achievements. Such people often wish evil on their rivals, and may also try to harm the object of their envy. Do not blame the person for envy, he is already negatively disposed towards you.

The best tactic for dealing with him is not to notice, not to provoke, not to react. Try to ignore envious glances. Do not provoke exacerbation of envious feelings - do not disclose your achievements, do not demonstrate your awards, in a word, do not brag, because only good friends and relatives are capable of sincerely rejoicing for you.
