It's not just a pleasant time to spend with a real friend, she is also a reliable person who can cheer you up and will not leave you in trouble. When choosing friends, be attentive to their words and actions.

Step 1
If a female person claiming your friendship is constantly whining and complaining about fate, you better have pity on yourself. When you truly become friends with her, you will most likely have to spend hours wiping away her tears and listening to long monologues about the cruelty and injustice of the world. Such friendships are fraught with the fact that soon you yourself will begin to notice that you have become more vulnerable and weaker. And since almost no one likes whiners, you run the risk of being left without friends yourself.
Step 2
Watch the actions and words of a potential girlfriend. Avoid gossips and those who claim nearly all of your free time. As a rule, people of this kind are not interested in you as a person, but in someone who is able to maintain a conversation and become a kind of shadow for an insecure person.
Step 3
Choose upbeat girlfriends with a good sense of humor. Learn from them to fend off a difficult situation and believe in your own strength. With an optimistic friend, you will soon begin to notice that you seem to be attracting positive moments. Of course, friendship with her will in no way exclude unpleasant situations that somehow arise in life. But healthy self-irony and belief in the best will make it easier to survive failures.
Step 4
When choosing a girlfriend, pay attention to what type of men she is attracted to. Perhaps you should not take this criterion too seriously, but female jealousy is a spontaneous concept. Therefore, it will be better if you and your beloved friend have different tastes in this delicate matter.
Step 5
Give preference to people with high intelligence. Communication with them will stimulate you to self-development. Chat also with active, purposeful girlfriends. They will inspire you with their own successful examples, and soon you will be able, in a good sense of the word, to compete with them with your own achievements.