After the candy-bouquet period has passed, thoughts about living together with the chosen one arise. Tired of constant travel from one house to another, everyday transportation of things necessary for life. You want consistency, not meetings in the evenings and a lonely return to your empty room. Moreover, the relationship has already grown into something tender and quivering.

Step 1
It's not worth dragging out the meeting period, it can turn into a habit, and then the guy may not want to live together if he is already satisfied with everything. You need to start by discussing how it would be convenient and pleasant to wake up every morning together, sleep under one blanket, and bask in bed for a long time. He will gradually start thinking about it himself, and the idea will look quite attractive.
Step 2
It is very difficult to decide on serious changes, because you need to find housing, transport things and improve your everyday life. Living with parents is not an option; in the early stages, the couple's life together often falls apart precisely because of the intervention of the parents. A partner who has fallen into someone else's family will always feel awkward. It's a different matter if you have been dating for a year or more and you know that in case of misunderstanding, the guy will not take the side of his parents, but yours.
Step 3
A significant component of living together is the budget, and it is worth discussing who will buy products, pay for utilities. We'll have to sacrifice unnecessary bulky things, bad habits. If you have already agreed on living together, you need to learn how to make decisions together, get along on the same territory and negotiate. Any actions should be accompanied by respect, warmth and trust in each other.
Step 4
Talk to your boyfriend about your preferences. Everyone has certain habits, such as running in the morning or sleeping until 1pm on weekends. Agree to do this either jointly, or try not to interfere with each other. If the guy is a heavy smoker and you don't like the smell of cigarette smoke, mention this so that he goes out to the balcony or staircase. If you love animals, try talking about getting a kitten, hamster, or dog, caring for them together will dilute the relationship.