The decision to live together with a loved one is always a new stage in the relationship, which the couple will inevitably enter. But so that such a rapprochement does not go to the detriment, you need to prepare properly and think about everything.

Step 1
Do not make such a decision on emotions. After a romantic evening spent together, when your soul is pleasant and calm, you can easily agree to live together with a guy. But you need to face reality. Living together is not romance, but the daily contact of two adults with their own habits.
Step 2
Discuss how realistic your desire is. You need to sort out the place of residence, and it is advisable that you live separately from your parents. Discuss the reasons that prevent you from living together, and how to eliminate them.
Step 3
Don't hide your doubts. Open communication will help you identify possible problems and take care of their solutions in advance. Perhaps you will strengthen your resolve to live together, or, conversely, you will understand that at this stage of the relationship it is inappropriate to do this.
Step 4
Be prepared to give in. No matter how warm, gentle and extraordinary your relationship may be during courtship, living together can bring many difficulties with it. Therefore, instead of insisting on your preferences, find compromises, otherwise you will not be able to get along.
Step 5
Discuss as many nuances as possible before moving. Living together will reveal many unresolved issues that need to be addressed. Therefore, do not put off talking about what is already obvious and needs attention. Discuss your daily routine, weekend plans, eating habits, and budget planning.
Step 6
Don't deprive yourself of your freedom. As much as people love each other, they cannot spend all their time together. The need for freedom may appear especially acute at the beginning of living together, because, when meeting, you each lived your own life, and now it is shared. For a stronger relationship, you need to spend time apart. Make sure you both get it right.
Step 7
Don't expect too much. Difficulties and disagreements at the first stage after the move are normal, because each of you has your own habits, and since you cannot read thoughts, there will be disagreements. There is no need to hastily decide that you need to disperse and live the same life. Give yourself time to adjust to new circumstances.