The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not only a topic of endless anecdotes, but sometimes the cause of family conflicts, which take the most acute form, up to divorce. And all because two seemingly sane adult women cannot find a common language in any way, forcing both each other and the man for whom they are the most dear and close to suffer. Some mothers-in-law believe that daughters-in-law are always to blame for conflicts. However, this is not the case. And the mother-in-law, if desired, is not at all difficult to establish, if not good, then at least tolerable relations with the daughter-in-law.

Step 1
No matter how much you want to see your "boy" nearby, the mother-in-law must live separately from the son's family. Since two housewives get along under one roof even less often than two bears in one den.
Step 2
The son's mother, with perseverance worthy of a better application, conflicting with his wife, should often remember that she too was once a daughter-in-law. And she probably took offense at her mother-in-law, considering that she was picky, annoying and unfair.
Step 3
Make an effort on yourself and stop perceiving your daughter-in-law as an impudent person who unceremoniously "burst into" your family, and even more so as a thief who stole your most precious things. After all, the son chose and fell in love with this particular woman from the countless number of the fair sex, which means he feels good with her. It means that he sees in her something that you do not notice or do not want to notice, blinded by jealousy and hostility. It is enough to convince yourself of this truth, as the daughter-in-law will immediately cease to seem lazy, cunning, arrogant.
Step 4
The strongest argument: from the quarrels of the mother and wife, the beloved son suffers first of all. One has only to remember this and even the most selfish and picky mother-in-law will think about it: is it possible to tame your temperament? Shouldn't he try to establish at least a temporary truce with his daughter-in-law?
Step 5
Finally, remember the old truth: "He who is smarter is the first to yield!" You are older, you have much more life experience. Therefore, it is you who have the main responsibility to ensure that your relationship with your daughter-in-law does not resemble a "front-line chronicle."
Step 6
Of course, it is hardly possible to completely get rid of jealousy. And the irrepressible striving of the older generation to instruct, to teach young people, is as ancient as the human race. But you can avoid extremes, keep yourself in control. The daughter-in-law will hardly accept her mother-in-law's advice with hostility if they are given only occasionally, on business, moreover, in a delicate, tactful manner. Rather, she will receive them with attention and gratitude.