Friends, husbands, lovers … Men with the status of "ex" are in the life of almost any woman. Parting is not always evil, sometimes people just do not fit together. In this case, I would like to maintain warm and friendly relations with the “former”. How to do it?

Step 1
Remember all the good things that happened between you. At the beginning of a relationship, people usually only notice the best qualities. Over time, getting used to each other, they begin to see their partner's shortcomings. Try to mentally return to the first days of your relationship, remember all the romantic evenings and walks. This will help you tune in to positive emotions before meeting your ex.
Step 2
Talk and try to understand each other. The joint life of such different beings as a man and a woman is always full of unspoken disagreements, resentments, misunderstandings. Even spouses who have lived for many years can suddenly learn something new about their soul mate. What can we say about a less lasting relationship! But if you want to maintain a good relationship, you should not find out who is to blame, remembering relatives up to the seventh generation, sort it out among yourself.
Step 3
Forgive your ex-boyfriend or spouse. It is believed that this is the surest way to get rid of negative emotions about him. Plus, you will finally be able to look at your relationship in a different way, learn some lessons and draw conclusions. Any experience, even a negative one, makes you wiser and teaches you how to build relationships more effectively in the future. Thank your ex for this and all the good times you've had.