Raising Children Is Hard, Everyday Work

Raising Children Is Hard, Everyday Work
Raising Children Is Hard, Everyday Work

Raising children is a daily job. After all, every good parent wants his child to be the best. And every mom and dad should do their best to achieve this.


All children think they are in control and superior to their parents. Let's face it, most children are sure that mom and dad were never teenagers, but were immediately born as adults, so they have no idea what their offspring are going through. It seems to them that they are the most cunning and intelligent, not realizing that their parents were also at that age and, remembering themselves and their behavior, can know the thoughts of their children two steps ahead.

The sad thing is that children are not aware of their guilt and will never ask for forgiveness themselves, even if they know they are wrong. To somehow change their minds, parents often use radical methods of upbringing - punishment or restriction on what the child values most. And only then, in order to appease dad or mom, they are ready to admit their mistakes, but they realize them much later, only when they themselves grow up, become adults, have their own children.

The best way to get your child to accept the right rules of conduct is first to find out what they value and value most, what kind of activity they like the most. This is what you need to use. Let them know clearly that if they do not comply with the conditions, then their favorite activities will be excluded from everyday life. Perhaps then it will become noticeable that the child, being under house arrest, will gladly fulfill all requests and do everything with pleasure. The parent may begin to feel guilty for the punishment, and will already be ready to forgive his child and shorten his term, but it must be remembered that the child must learn a lesson and not repeat such mistakes in the future.

We need to remember the old adage: "You have to be tough in order to become kind later." In raising children, this is what you need to be. After all, children will always try to change the rules to their advantage, they will try to urge their parents on, but they don’t need to follow the lead, use the proven carrot and stick method. After all, every child is obliged to obey his parents and this feeling needs to be instilled in him from childhood.
