Comprehensive self-assessment includes an assessment of abilities, physical characteristics, actions and moral qualities. Many psychologists argue that self-esteem is a neoplasm of adolescence. It is during this period that its real action begins.

Self-esteem of adolescents is characterized by situational awareness, instability, and susceptibility to external influences. The last point is more often attributed to early adolescence, later it is replaced by the stability and versatility of the coverage of the spheres of life.
Most adolescents have adequate self-esteem. By giving themselves a lower rating in important areas of activity, they show the formation of a realistic picture of life.
Gender characteristics of self-esteem
A number of studies have indicated that there is no dependence of the ability to give an adequate assessment of their activities on the sex of the adolescent. Girls' ability to adequately assess others is higher, this fact is explained by their interest in others. But the transfer of knowledge about other people to your Self is higher in boys.
The main traits that young men evaluate are strong-willed, intellectual and communicative qualities. Guys are looking for answers to the questions: "What are they like in the eyes of people", "How close is he to his ideal", "How great are the differences between his personality and those around him."
In early adolescence, the self-esteem of girls is an order of magnitude lower than that of boys. This gap is due to the girls' great attention to the question of their own appearance. The main criterion is the attractiveness of the body, not its effectiveness.
The effect of self-esteem on behavior
Adolescents with adequate self-esteem have a higher level of academic performance without sudden leaps, high personal and social status. A large field of interests of such adolescents is aimed at all kinds of activities, and interpersonal contacts are expedient and moderate.
High self-esteem makes the adolescent limited in matters of activity. Increasingly, the emphasis is on communication, which is characterized by little content.
Extreme overestimated or underestimated self-esteem is characterized by increased anxiety, inability to find a solution in difficult situations, and egocentrism.
Family is the basis of self-esteem
Self-esteem of adolescents seeks emancipation and separation from the opinions of others. However, being in society does not allow this, the most significant are the judgments and support of parents and peers. Parental opinion is perceived exclusively as some possible point of view on "oneself". This does not mean that the teenager is alienated from the family. General self-esteem largely depends on the parents' acceptance of the teen's aspirations, while the assessment associated with teachers is significant only in self-assessment of abilities.
The negative and tough attitude of parents makes adolescents focus on failures, avoid participation in various competitions, provoke aggression, rudeness and anxiety. Not only self-determination in the team depends on recognition by parents, but also educational success.