Most teenagers usually only know how to communicate with girls from the media: movies, music, games, and social media.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of these sources represent an ambiguous image of the female sex and are unlikely to be a positive example for creating and developing healthy relationships.

Therefore, it is extremely important for parents to establish normal contact with their growing son and discuss with him pressing questions and problems regarding how to behave with girls and how, ultimately, to choose a suitable life partner.
Unfortunately, many parents are too busy or even indifferent, believing that it is not at all necessary to pay much attention and energy to this issue. But if you want to raise a real man from a son, such communication is simply necessary.
1. Start such communication even when your son is just a baby. Setting a good example and establishing basic rules of communication is essential from a very young age. Your son should see from childhood that parents treat each other with great respect. Even if you have periods of disagreement and conflict, resolve them behind closed doors and do not involve your child in them. Children closely follow their parents and build a model of family behavior from this example. The biggest gift that both parents can give their child is an example of love and respect in family relationships.
2. Set boundaries for acceptable behavior for your teenage son. Teach your growing son to treat his sisters and other relatives like a man, like a gentleman, regardless of their age. The way a boy interacts with his sisters and relatives is often the model of behavior that he will transfer to his future family relationships. Teach your son to treat girls with respect in school and other public places. Talk about how you can't insist on your sympathies and feelings, impose them and force girls to reciprocate. Youth and student years are ahead, which means that he will have enough time for mutual kisses and hugs.
3. When your son has reached puberty, learn to talk frankly with him as a friend. Discuss the characteristics of a developing and growing organism, as well as its reproductive functions. A teenage son needs to know how his maturing body functions and how to manage it to avoid problems and irresponsible behavior. Emphasize that in the future, physical and emotional desires will have a completely different value.
4. Teach your growing son to respect not only his own desires and needs, but also those of others. Explain that you need to consider the interests of other people, especially with regard to genders. The upbringing of a real man lies in his ability to make way for a woman, and in understanding the importance of having financial independence before entering into a hasty marriage. Teach your son patience, balance of actions and respect for other people. A man brought up on such principles will become an almost ideal husband. And your future daughter-in-law will become the happiest woman.
5. Leverage additional resources. If you find it difficult to learn how to communicate with a teenager, read books on developmental psychology, watch video courses, in the end, turn to specialists for advice. You should be clear about what you want to talk with your son and what thoughts to convey to him. In addition, actively involve your already such an adult child in the housekeeping. Teach him the basics of family budgeting, the basics of cooking, and the art of resolving interpersonal conflicts. You have a difficult and responsible task - to raise a real man.
Today's divorce rate, which is indicated by dry statistics, should alert parents and push them to the fact that with growing sons it is necessary to carry out accurate and delicate educational work on how young people should treat girls. Your correct policy of raising your son is a guarantee of his future strong and happy marriage.