When a daughter reaches adolescence, problems often begin to arise between her and her parents. It seems that she is still quite small and must play with dolls. But now she learned to argue with her parents, got pierced and dyed her hair an eerie color, which shocked the whole family. Home now comes late and does not consider it necessary to tell where and with whom she was. Parents do not want to understand that the girl has grown up and she is only annoyed by the attitude towards her as a child.

Step 1
Just a few months ago, the girl was a sweet and obedient child, but now she cannot do without constant conflicts. The parents did not notice when their baby became a girl and she needs to be accepted for who she is.
Step 2
The daughter has a right to her privacy, which is very different from the parents' idea of the “right” life of a teenage girl. Yes, she began to wear strange clothes, but now it's so fashionable and all teenagers dress identically. You don't need to impose your vision on her.
Step 3
Be condescending to teenage fashion trends, because each successive generation is somewhat different from the previous one. It would be nice for her daughter if her parents not only did not criticize her taste, but went with her to buy clothes. Take calmly the needs of the growing daughter, she seeks to realize her sexuality and this is normal.
Step 4
To improve relationships in the family, the daughter should not read sermons and completely take control of her life. This may result in her leaving home or lingering depression. If a trusting atmosphere reigns in the family, the daughter will not do everything in spite of everything.
Step 5
Previously, people received their first sexual experience at the age of 20, now at 14-15. You just need to have a conversation with your daughter about relationships with the opposite sex. Now is the time to talk about the existence of many sexually transmitted diseases and the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy.
Step 6
It doesn't hurt to give your daughter a book about sex for educational purposes. Bookstores sell a variety of teen literature. Perhaps there is also a suitable book for parents to help them look at the world through the eyes of a teenager.
Step 7
At this age, children begin to experiment with alcohol and nicotine. It is good if these are single tests for the organism. You should not pounce on a girl who drank a bottle of beer. The daughter is trying to show her parents her independence and prove to herself that she has the right to do as she sees fit.
Step 8
Talk to her, observe the behavior, it is unlikely that she will start "binges", especially if the family has never had problems with alcoholism. Gradually, this period will pass, and relations in the family will improve.