What Is Family Happiness

What Is Family Happiness
What Is Family Happiness

Family happiness - a person usually has some idea of it from childhood. But it so happens that an adult independent life and experience of relationships quite dramatically change the image that has lined up in the head. They say that everyone holds happiness in their hands, you just need to dispose of it correctly. But how to do this and what is family happiness?

What is family happiness
What is family happiness

The perfect recipe for happiness, does it exist?

Who would not like to have perfect ideas about family happiness in their heads? And it would be nice if the partner had the same. A simple formula by which one could build life, a few rules, acting in accordance with which, you will never be mistaken. Why isn't it taught in school? And in general, are there such rules? Is family happiness possible?

In a sense, we can confidently answer that yes, it is possible. And there are rules. Family happiness is built on simple foundations, it is love, trust and respect. There are only three principles, following which, partners are able to create a strong union for a long time.

But everything is so easy only in words. After all, it is usually not easy to follow these principles. There are such difficulties as everyday life, problems at work, bad mood, boredom, suspicion and jealousy … The list can be long. However, if you want to keep your family together, learn to appreciate it. To do this, sometimes you will have to restrain yourself, and at other times, on the contrary, decide to be frank with your partner and have the courage to discuss even personal issues.

Family happiness rules

Your significant other, your partner - a loved one - is an independent person. Maintain respect for him, accept him as he is. Even if you are unhappy with something, try to discuss it. Manipulate a person, "cut" and bore, try to remake him: all this leads to a loss of mutual respect.

Leave your partner the right to go about his own business, to have your hobbies and friends, even if you don't like some of them. Trust your partner. This is the basis of the relationship, with the loss of which everything else also does not linger for long. Find hobbies you can do together. If you do not have common hobbies, then go to the cinema or to a restaurant, to clubs or to exhibitions together. To maintain trust, you must have something that unites you, but there must also be something that continues to make everyone interesting in the eyes of your partner.

Pay enough attention to your intimate life. This is not to say that good sex can correct a lack of trust and understanding. But it is absolutely certain that sex serves as a kind of marker in a relationship. As soon as it goes bad, it clearly means that something is going wrong. Solve problems, and the sooner you start doing it, the better.

Do not try to pull the blanket over yourself. The family is a shared responsibility. If someone is constantly doing more, and the other only uses, this cannot last long. Partners must consciously approach the process and understand that since they have started such a joint venture as a family, then responsibilities must be divided equally. What you shouldn't do is sort things out, reproaching each other with those who do more. Try talking like adults and sharing responsibilities instead.
