We all dream of family happiness. In order to find it, you first need to make those around you happy. You need to build a happy family for yourself.

- You, as a woman, be weaker. A lot of families break up due to the struggle for the championship in a pair. Let the man be strong, because this does not mean that he is the best.
- Focus on its positive aspects, because you can't change it anyway, why bother about the shortcomings.
- You should not insist on expensive gifts if you know in advance that there is no money for them. Never compare him to more successful men.
- A man always and for everything needs to be thanked and praised, and then he will move mountains for you.
- You must always be interesting to your husband and know at least a little about his hobbies.
- Smile at your man more often. Any husband wants his wife to be the most beautiful, and it is a smile that paints a woman most of all.
- Do not find fault with trifles, be wise. Don't stir up a fight, even if the truth is on your side. It is always better to resolve the issue without squabbles or scandals. It is much easier and more pleasant to achieve your own tenderness and affection.
- Moderate jealousy is also appropriate. Let the man feel that you care about who he communicates with outside the home.
- You must always be in shape so that the man does not even think to look "to the left".
- Love does not go away over the years. If you feed her with affection and tenderness, your feeling will only get stronger and stronger over time.
- Don't discuss your family problems with strangers. Solve all your differences within the apartment. Other people's advice is inappropriate here. In front of children, you should not swear either, because parents are the most important example for them.
- Try to find an excuse for him, do not attack him with accusations. He may be overworked at work or unwell.
- Always be faithful to your man. Be there in difficult times, because you are the person closest to him.
- You are responsible not only for cuisine and comfort, but also for discipline in the family. Keep the kids quiet when Dad is resting. The house should always be clean and comfortable. You can periodically change the environment, at least for a change. Better yet, find common free time and equip the house with the whole family.
- You must have your own hobby. You cannot live only at home and everyday life, but, of course, a hobby should not interfere with your personal life. Discuss your progress with your husband.
- Don't avoid housework, it increases your resistance to stress.
- Remember happy moments from your life more often, and it is better to forget about unpleasant moments altogether.
- You will have to put up with the peculiarities of your husband's work. Even if he comes back late or leaves on long business trips, you should not be angry with him. Always meet him happy and joyful so that he knows that he is expected and bored.
- Make sure to make time for romance. Walk together more often, go out of town.