Everyone loves good girls, because they always look elegant, they have a great mood, an ideal home and an agreeable character. But it's the bad girls who drive guys crazy. So there is a reason to reincarnate!

Bad girl:
- always flirts (in a traffic jam, in a store, in a queue for an appointment with a doctor, and so on);
- knows how to do blowjob;
- always and everywhere ready for irrepressible sex;
- open to sexual experiments;
- is not silent in bed and does not care about neighbors;
- does not know the words "awkward situation";
- does not hesitate to go naked;
- can take the initiative when the partner does not want sex;
- knows exactly what he wants, never hesitates to say it directly;
- no healthy man dares to call a bad girl "bad."
So, let's find out in more detail how to become a bad girl in bed.
Advice 1. Don't be afraid to experiment. Agree to something new, suggest it yourself. Show your imagination and ingenuity!
Tip 2. Harass your man. And preferably more often! Touch more often, caress, give fleeting kisses, he should feel the warmth of the body next to him.
Tip 3. Be honest in bed. Don't hide your desires. Feel free to fondle yourself in front of him - it's so exciting for both partners! Don't fake an orgasm. Didn't get an orgasm? Have sex over and over again until it is brought to its logical conclusion!
Tip 4. Take the initiative. Be the mistress of the situation. Tease him, exhaust him.
Tip 5. Show aggression. After all, bad girls can do anything! Scratch it, bite it, mark it, call it a bad boy. But you shouldn't go too far.
Each girl can awaken a "bad girl" in herself, so that intimate relationships sparkle with new colors!