What is it that women do every day that men do not want to let out of the bedroom?

Orgasm "on schedule"
Decide for yourself that, for example, every day at 23.30 you have an orgasm. It doesn't matter if alone or with a partner, but it has to happen. It doesn't matter at all that you are tired and full of problems at work and chores around the house. The path of your sexuality will become a priority, and the idea that you are at the top of pleasure every day, even for a moment, sounds very attractive.
Discuss sex
Many parents diligently instill in adolescents that it is completely forbidden to talk about "this" out loud and even come up with a variety of scary stories. As a result, we grow up, and bondage in matters of sex remains. We think that discussing sex with loved ones is obscene and embarrassing, and we avoid these topics in every possible way. But the fact is that it is the ability to talk about our needs and desires that makes us more confident in bed.
Rest your head
The largest percentage of frigidity, impotence, and simply dissatisfaction with their sexual life is observed precisely among knowledge workers. So if you are experiencing serious stress and great intellectual work every day, unload your head every day. Take time out: go for a walk, play sports, meet with friends. This practice of relaxation will have a great effect on your life, and on your intimate one as well.
Train your intimate muscles
Kegel exercises are good not only because they will give you and your partner new sensations in bed, but also for the prevention of various diseases of the genitourinary system. The most common is to squeeze the vaginal muscles and gradually relax, counting to 6-8. Do this "exercise" three times a day for ten repetitions.
Adjust your diet
We've all heard a lot about aphrodisiac products, but it's worth thinking about more than just them. Scientists have proven that elevated blood cholesterol levels are responsible for libido and the ability to orgasm. So cut down on animal fats and include foods rich in omega-3 acids in your diet: walnuts, avocados, etc.
Compliment yourself
All women tend to look for flaws in their bodies. Your job is to compliment each of these shortcomings. Take at least 3 minutes to do this. Pick a body part and say something nice to it in all seriousness. For example, if you don't like the "ears" on your hips, don't rush to beat yourself up. Better tell them that today they look very cute and feminine. Gradually, moving from one part of the body to another, you will stop caring about what your partner sees and think about your shortcomings, and eventually you will start to love yourself.