Although all men are different, they still have a lot in common. Whether your partner is a kind-hearted knight or a tough guy, you can become the girl of his dreams anyway using a few simple tricks. There is no need to wait and hope when he finally appreciates you. Act bravely, and let life seem meaningless to him without you.

Play his game
Deep down, every man is a hunter. The stronger sex loves to stalk, so let him do it. Let him hunt you. Never give in to him right away, even if you really like him. First you need to make it so that it belongs only to you. Make it difficult for him to catch you. Take time for him one time and pretend to be unavailable another. Let him know that he is not the only one in your life. It will be better this way, because being the only one you think about is not the most pleasant role for a man. Don't cling to it like a vine. Obsession is your enemy.
Become a mystery to him
Do not reveal all your cards to him. Try to create an aura of mystery around you. Tell us about yourself, but a little. Leave the rest to his imagination. Many women love to fantasize. Men do the same. When there is an understatement, it leaves a lot to the imagination. He will dream of you, and you will become, if not the girl of his dreams, then the heroine in his fantasies.
Make friends with his friends
While this may sound ridiculous, many men put women on friendship tests. This means they want to test how you get along with their friends. It's a childish and teenage fad, but male friendships are a fact to be resigned to. Even if his friends are obnoxious, you will set yourself apart from other girls and women by taking up the challenge. Outsmart him by having a beer with his friends. You will become desirable not only in him, but also in their eyes. And the whole company will understand that you are your boyfriend.
Take an interest in what worries him
Your boyfriend's status implies that you are as interested in sports as he is. If, in a conversation with him, you unobtrusively mention a couple of facts about football or about who won the World Cup last year, you will grow significantly in his eyes. You might like it yourself.
Be a woman
Jeans and a ponytail on the head are, of course, comfortable. But a little black dress, heels and beautiful curls look much more feminine. Remember that men love with their eyes. Become for a while a seductive goddess who is pleasant to dream of.
Love is a lifelong journey. And the most important secret of the girl of his dreams is to be yourself. For some reason he liked you. Too much zeal and desire to make an impression will ruin your image, and you yourself will feel uncomfortable.
Men like to be confident, but they like confident women even more. And most of all men love it when a woman is good and fun with them. Have fun and you will become the best companion and girl of his dreams.