Striving for a beautiful lady, the knights fought in tournaments, sang serenades, dedicated poems, performed feats. Times and morals have changed, and in order to win the girl of their dreams, modern men have unlimited opportunities. But the general principles have remained the same.

Step 1
In the process of charming a girl, it is very important to present yourself correctly and competently, to interest her in yourself. No matter how trite it may sound, neat clothes, clean shoes, well-groomed hair and nails, a light scent of perfume and a sincere smile are indispensable conditions. In addition to impeccable appearance, a girl can be amazed with good manners and erudition. But the main thing that you need to have in order to conquer the girl of your dreams is self-confidence.
Step 2
Be persistent in your courtship. Girls appreciate the sense of purpose and seriousness of intentions in men.
Step 3
Be gallant and do not skimp on compliments to your girlfriend. Prove to her not only with words, but also with actions that she is special, one and only.
Step 4
Show the girl your originality, be original, surprise her with unexpected surprises. A bouquet of flowers delivered to your home or work, a declaration of tender feelings on a billboard, a date in the planetarium - it all depends on your imagination. It is advisable not to repeat yourself and every time to come up with something new for your lady of the heart.
Step 5
Girls love generous men, so give gifts. There can be no question of a discount on the lack of financial opportunity: for the sake of the girl of your dreams, you need to be ready for expenses.
Step 6
Be sincere and honest in achieving your goal. You should not embellish reality, be yourself, but for the time being, do not show not the best traits of your character.
Step 7
Remember: a sense of humor and optimism are the best companions for the conqueror of women's hearts. A man who makes a woman laugh has a great chance of reciprocity.
Step 8
Think over your actions, control the situation and adjust your plans depending on the behavior of the lady you intend to conquer.
Step 9
Respect the desires of your girlfriend, but do not follow her lead in every case: she may mistake you for a henpecked one. When a man plays a leading role in a relationship, a woman can be weak and defenseless next to him. The girl of your dreams should be sure that she will be behind you, like behind a stone wall, then she will appreciate you and will probably reciprocate.