Choosing a life partner, you want to know for sure what kind of wife she will become, how your relationship in marriage will develop, what "surprises", pleasant and not too much, can be expected from her as a legal spouse.

Step 1
Unfortunately, it is impossible to say for sure what kind of wife will turn out to be from a girl - too many factors affect the “final result”. It depends not only on the character of your chosen one, her life aspirations and the ability to build relationships with a partner, but also on the events that will fill your family life, on the level of material well-being and on how harmonious your union will be.
Step 2
Nevertheless, it is possible to draw some preliminary conclusions. One has only to study the girl more closely, to understand what kind of person she is and what influenced her formation as a person.
Step 3
The first thing to look at is the relationship in the girl's parental family. It is known that the character, habits, life values and ideas about the norms of the family structure are formed in a person in childhood. Visit her at home, chat with parents, assess the situation in the parental family of your chosen one. It is highly likely that it is this model of family relationships that she will embody in her family life.
Step 4
Meet your girlfriend's mom. There is an opinion that, having matured, daughters become much like their mothers - both in appearance and in character. Of course, the girl will not become an exact copy of her mother, but she will certainly take on some features, because for a girl during the formation of her personality, her mother is an example of a female model of behavior, including in the family.
Step 5
Of course, there are times when a girl is more influenced by another female relative, for example, a grandmother. It is worth finding out these points and, if possible, getting to know the person who is so significant to your chosen one, or at least learn as much as possible about him.
Step 6
It happens that a girl, growing up in a family that is not too prosperous, authoritarian or burdened with other kinds of problems, begins to build her family life "by contradiction", that is, chooses a family model and her own line of behavior in it, which is the opposite of everything that she had to see and experience in childhood. Ask your girlfriend about how she lived in the family when she was little, what she liked and what, perhaps, caused rejection - and you will get a picture of your beloved's ideal ideas about family life and the role of a woman in it.
Step 7
Study the character of your beloved. If she is kind and caring with you during your meetings, is interested in your affairs, seeks to provide all possible help - it is highly likely that she will show these qualities in family life. If a girl is harsh, ambitious or mocking, then one should not expect excessive softness, complaisance and tenderness from her in the future.
Step 8
And, of course, the best way to get an idea of how a girl will behave in marriage is to live with her. Meeting and dating is one thing, but living together day in and day out is another. Being constantly on the same territory, it is almost impossible to hide from each other your habits, character traits and peculiarities of reaction in certain everyday situations. If you are not yet ready to run a common household and look for joint housing, you can simply spend a vacation with your girlfriend. By the way, the less comfortable your living conditions are, the brighter the character traits of your chosen one that interest you will appear: it is known that extreme circumstances contribute to this.