How To Kiss Passionately

How To Kiss Passionately
How To Kiss Passionately

Being at the initial stage of relationships with the opposite sex, often girls and guys are puzzled by the question "how to kiss passionately?" There is nothing particularly difficult in such a kiss, the main thing is to trust your feelings and intuition. And to avoid embarrassing situations, use a few tips on this matter.

How to kiss passionately
How to kiss passionately

Getting down to kiss

So, you are already convinced that the guy or girl has romantic feelings for you and is ready for a kiss. First, look into the eyes of this person, gently hug and lightly touch your lips to his lips.

Take your time to start kissing until you see a positive response from your partner. After all, if he is not ready for such a turn of events, he can push you away. You need to start kissing gently and delicately, then you can add more passion and temperament to your caresses.

At the first kiss, your partner opens up to you from the sensual side. And the gentle touch of your tongue on his lips will say much more than any words.

What to do with the tongue when kissing passionately

With such a kiss, the leading role goes to the tongue. You can caress your partner's lips with it, as well as penetrate into his mouth. However, the classic passionate kiss completely dispenses with the tongue, only light bites and swallowing of the partner's lips are not allowed in it. But the technique of the French kiss involves the use of the tongue.

If the person you are kissing with has parted your lips with his tongue, you can consider him a rather experienced partner. But if after about a minute this has not happened, you can take the initiative. You can, for example, lick your partner's tongue in quick circular motions. This is especially nice for guys. Be careful not to bite your partner's tongue.

For many, the erogenous zone is the inner side of the lips. Start licking her in a circle with the tip of your tongue. This technique can make your partner lose his head.

When kissing passionately, you can experiment. In doing so, observe how your partner reacts, and listen to what your intuition tells you. During the kiss, you can gently hug this person and caress your back, chest, neck, face and other parts of the body with your hands. This will create an intimate atmosphere as well as make your partner feel good.

How to breathe when kissing passionately

If you breathe frequently through your mouth, even your most passionate kiss is unlikely to last longer than a minute. You should get rid of such a habit.

Try to train yourself to breathe through your nose. Thanks to this, you will be able to extend your kiss for a long time. And you don't have to periodically pull away from your partner to gasp for air. The ability to breathe through your nose while kissing passionately will give you the opportunity to completely relax.

How to learn to kiss passionately

The passionate kissing technique is important, but understanding how to behave correctly in the process of such caresses plays an equally important role. Be natural, simple, and perfect. Take care that the harsh scent of perfume or bad breath doesn't interfere with your kiss.

Relax. Throw out of your head all unnecessary thoughts and complexes that cause fear and fetter you. Try to relax with your loved one, focus on kissing sensually, giving and having fun.

Don't stand like a statue. Move. Remember that a kiss is a lot like a two-person game. Therefore, change your body position, gently stroke your partner on the back, head and neck.

Trust. Do not get pinched or withdrawn in yourself, be open with your partner.
