Anal sex is the dream of most men, while more than half of women are afraid of it, even if they have never tried it. However, with the right approach, you can minimize pain and enjoy.

The topic of anal sex is delicate, but at the same time, it requires both people to have a couple of prejudices and an unreasonable negative attitude from the very beginning. Since childhood, many people, and not only girls, have been persistently told by parents that everything connected with the fifth point is dirty and shameful. Usually the child cannot somehow answer this. So people grow up with prejudices fixed in the subconscious, and it is impossible to try to persuade them to try something new in sex.
Therefore, the first and very important point in learning how to enjoy anal sex is just the absence of such attitudes. In the presence of prejudices, you can no longer read further.
Next comes a very important aspect - hygiene. Despite the fact that the Marquis de Sade wrote that in order to get pleasure one must get dirty, it is better not to follow his advice. It is best to thoroughly wash the anus once or twice a day (depending on the number of bowel movements per day) with soap or shampoo, and in case of irritation, use an emollient cream.
One of the phobias associated with anal sex is the fear of getting dirty. Do not worry so much: feces lie in the rectum deeper than the length of the average penis.
Enema should not be ignored either. Despite the deep bedding of feces, the likelihood of picking up the bacteria in abundance in the rectum is always present. Regular enema is unnecessary, but it would be highly desirable to do it before having sex.
It is extremely important to worry about lubricants in advance, without which the first anal penetration can threaten both of them with trauma. In principle, the best option is a specially purchased lubricant in a sex shop, although if anal sex happens or is planned on a regular basis, this can cost a pretty penny. It is quite easy to find a replacement for lubricant - almost any baby cream or hand cream is suitable. Only first it must be checked for sliding and the absence of an allergic reaction in both partners and make sure that there are no alcohol-containing substances in the composition.
It also makes sense to attend to the purchase of special condoms. Firstly, because there is a risk of sperm leakage and, consequently, pregnancy, and secondly, the man will be protected from unpleasant infections.
But even after buying all the proper items and cleaning the intestines, you should not rush, because before the introduction it is worth relaxing the muscles of the anus so that the penetration is as painless as possible. Massage, long foreplay, especially oral caresses, and careful fingering at first will do. If the insertion of the finger is already painful, stop and either continue the foreplay for more relaxation, or reschedule it for the next time. If a finger, or even two, normally enters the anus, a lubricant can be used. It is necessary to enter carefully and slowly, the most preferable (for a start, at least) postures are on all fours and sideways.
If the first time is still unpleasant, do not despair. Once often, the sphincter of the anus is not enough for getting used to, and the girl begins to get pleasure from the fourth or fifth time. If the sensations caused severe discomfort, do not try to repeat it again, it is better to visit the proctologist once again.