At night, did you have a dream that you are ashamed to even remember? Do not immediately think that you are not satisfied or not satisfied. Sleep is just a reflection of some of the thoughts that have visited you earlier. Although if you often see such dreams, then in real life, most likely, you experience some discontent in your sex life. And if these dreams come to you extremely rarely, then you should not worry.

People often dream of things that they would never have dared to do in real life: some perversions, sex with multiple partners.
Girls in a dream sometimes even really experience an orgasm, but this is rare, but erotic dreams of men often end in real ejaculation - this is normal for the male body.
If dreams of this kind terrify you (you see unpleasant perversions, violence), then it is better to turn to a psychoanalyst, he will help you figure out why you have erotic dreams.
In most cases, erotic dreams are dreamed of due to the fact that during the day some image caught your eye, your subconscious mind perceived it as sexual. Or you just think about sex a lot.
If you want you to have an erotic dream, then watch a sensual movie about love at night, remember different sexual images, look through the catalog of an adult store.
It has been proven that girls more often see erotic dreams, but the representatives of the stronger sex have fewer and fewer such dreams with age.