Dreams not only allow you to rest, but are also a reflection of everything that happened to a person during the day. At the same time, people's dreams are individual. This is due to the fact that all people are different: everyone has their own inner world, state of mind, mood.

Perception of reality
It is natural for a person to subjectively perceive individual events, of which he becomes an eyewitness. First of all, this is due to the extent to which what is happening affects his personality. Everyone sees the same event differently: some are its eyewitnesses or witnesses, others are participants, others are victims, and still others are generally aloof from these circumstances. In this case, everyone perceives the event from their point of view, from a different angle. One and the same objective circumstance in the subjective perception of each person changes and acquires its own, sometimes very different from real, forms.
Inner world and human emotions
The perception and reflection of what he saw in a dream is also quite strongly influenced by the inner world of the dreamer, his inherent emotionality. The most vivid and unusual dreams are seen by people with a rich inner world and violent imagination. Elements of the read works, the watched films, the events experienced in the past are often fancifully interwoven into the plot of a dream. It happens that in a dream a person is "visited" by people familiar to him in the real world: living or dead. Therefore, even if two people live the day in exactly the same way, their thinking activity and reaction to certain events are different. Accordingly, everyone sees everything that happens in a day in his own way, through his own prism of seeing the world.
Dreams are also influenced by the very emotional state in which a person is. If, due to life circumstances, he fell into a deep depression, then his dreams are usually dark.
Horror films and dreams
Horror films, especially those watched at night, have a significant impact on the human psyche. They can slip through a whole series of dreams, scattered over a fairly long period of time. Sometimes a film with terrible episodes, seen in childhood, haunts an adult in dreams. Such nightmare dreams interfere with proper rest of the body.
In addition, there are people who rarely dream. This phenomenon in most cases is associated with body fatigue from hard physical work. But there may be some other explanations for the absence of dreams.
In general, dreams are a purely individual phenomenon, associated with the perception of objective reality, memories, experienced events, the emotional state of a person and his complex inner world. And there are very few people who relatively rarely see dreams.