How Does An Official Marriage Differ From A Civil One?

How Does An Official Marriage Differ From A Civil One?
How Does An Official Marriage Differ From A Civil One?

More and more often you can hear in various talk shows that this or that couple lives in a civil marriage, which suits both partners. And yet it cannot be called a real full-fledged marriage, because some guarantees and attributes of a true family life are missing.

How does an official marriage differ from a civil one?
How does an official marriage differ from a civil one?

What is a common law marriage?

The semantics of this expression goes back a long way. It is necessary to recall the "Peter" times. It was then that the church was separated from the state. A different version of the consolidation of relations appeared: not only a church wedding, but also a civil marriage, i.e. marriage, recorded in the relevant records of state bodies. This continued until 1917, until the moment when the Bolsheviks came to power and discredited the religious cult to dust.

Church marriage made in heaven is not as popular today as it used to be. The wedding is becoming a kind of social rudiment. Therefore, the meaning of the phrase "civil marriage" has changed radically. In modern conditions, it is called the usual cohabitation of a man and a woman without a stamp in the passport.

When meeting, it is difficult to understand how you suit each other in everyday life, in everyday life. This is how you can find out how tolerant you are of your partner and how much you respect his personal space.

Today's couples choose civil marriage as a kind of formal dress rehearsal. But, unfortunately, sometimes such a rehearsal is delayed for years.

The advantages of a formal marriage over a civil one

An official marriage is, first of all, stability and confidence in the future. Of course, this is not an easy step, but people who formalize marriage and family relations in a legal manner are aware of the importance of family values.

There is a common phrase: "most men living in a civil marriage consider themselves unmarried, and women are always married." That is, while living together, you can get up and leave at any time, because by and large, except for some feelings and emotions, nothing binds you.

An official marriage is a big responsibility. It is not for nothing that it is interpreted as a union of a man and a woman, and this union presupposes the existence of certain rights and obligations, social guarantees, which cannot be abandoned in one minute and run away in an unknown direction. Almost all religious scriptures describe marriage as the end of a youthful, free life and the transition to a mature existence.

Psychologically, over the course of many centuries, the realization was laid in a woman that she would become someone's lawful spouse, sharing both sorrows and joys.

A rare girl does not dream of walking in a snow-white dress under Mendelssohn's march on the red carpet to say the cherished "Yes".