How Does A Muslim Woman Differ From A Russian?

How Does A Muslim Woman Differ From A Russian?
How Does A Muslim Woman Differ From A Russian?

Russians, as a rule, profess Christianity, and residents of the Eastern and Arab countries - Islam. And, of course, religion leaves its imprint on them both in moral and everyday aspects: traditions, specificity of upbringing and norms of behavior.

How does a Muslim woman differ from a Russian?
How does a Muslim woman differ from a Russian?

Muslim woman

Society has created the image of an uneducated, driven Muslim woman terrorist. Is it so? In reality, the difference from Russian women is only in the way of life and morality. A real Muslim woman is a pious and economical woman. For her, the main concerns are family and home.

Of the men for a Muslim woman, there is only a husband. She tries to be the most beautiful exclusively for him and always support him. Cheating a woman in Islam is heavily punished.

Today, Muslim girls receive education on an equal basis with Christians, but the basic principles in their upbringing remain unchanged. Girls are taught to be submissive to their husbands, faithful and "clean."

Today, most Muslim women are not only busy at home, but also in their small business. It can be a shop or a small salon. The woman has the right to spend the earned money at her own discretion.

Often questions are raised by the appearance of a Muslim woman. Going out into the street, she looks gray and nondescript, and at home with her husband she is always dressed up and made up. This is, according to religion, out of respect and love for your husband.

A Muslim woman has fewer rights than a man. If divorced, she may be deprived of her children. But if she wins the trial, then the ex-husband is obliged to support both her and the child.

Russian woman

Russian women are considered one of the most beautiful in the world. A Russian woman may not be a believer, but she will still be associated with Christianity. Modern Russian society has given women equal rights with men. She works and does business.

Now almost nothing is left of the primordially Russian way of life. Children are brought up in European traditions. The girls behave in a relaxed and sometimes defiant manner, despite the fact that Orthodoxy does not accept this. Emotionality and love of freedom are characteristic of Russian women. For them, the main thing is the respect and love of their man. Girls in Russia are purposeful and strive to achieve a better life.

Dressing in a way that attracts the eyes of men is to some extent designed to arouse the jealousy of her husband and the envy of other women. At home, the Russian allows herself to relax and wear comfortable clothes.

Feminism has made adjustments to the life goals of Russian women. Now it is not just a happy life, but also prosperity and self-realization.

Are there any differences?

Of course, there are many differences between Muslim women and Russian women, and they all have to do with the religion they practice. What is considered the norm among Muslims is unacceptable for Russians, and vice versa. Muslims do not understand how a Russian girl can yell at a man. Russians do not understand the powerlessness and obedience of Muslim women. Each religion dictates its own norms of behavior and upbringing, but people from this do not cease to be people.
