In order to answer the question posed - is it possible to kiss on the first date at the age of 14, you need to understand what a kiss is, what types of it exist and at what age people kiss.

1. A kiss is the touching of someone or something with the lips to express love. You can kiss not only on the lips, but also on the cheek, forehead, hands, neck, nose (any part of the body you like), a passionate kiss, or French (using lips and tongue), as well as "air kiss" (at first a person kisses his own palm, then opens it and directs it towards the person he likes, then sends a kiss with a breath). Which one to choose for a first date? It's up to you two to decide.
2. At what age can you kiss? Not a single person will be able to unambiguously answer you this question, due to the fact that it depends only on your desire and only you decide when and with whom it happens, on your character and upbringing. Kissing is quite common among people and has been used by them since birth, and this is not surprising - it is a part of our daily life. We can often watch how a mother kisses her baby, and he responds to her and preschool children so often show their sympathy. In the family, all family members kiss each other - brother and sister, mom and dad, etc. The gentleman, when meeting and saying goodbye, as a sign of respect, kisses the lady's hand. We will take a closer look at the relationship and kissing between a boy and a girl of 14 years old.
There is no exact age when a young man first makes a date and decides to kiss a girl for the first time, but at the age of 14 he is already old enough and is able to make this decision on his own. By the way, in ancient times in Russia at the age of 12-13, girls were already married off, but now this is strictly prohibited and marriages are allowed only at the age of 18. At the age of 14 in Russia, every child receives a passport, he can even live separately from his parents if he wants, although no one bothers any teenager to ask the opinion of parents or friends on this matter, or use advice on the Internet. The choice in any case remains with him.
3. Reciprocity is a very important factor in this matter. If the first date took place and it was interesting enough, the couple had a wonderful time and the guy and the girl really liked each other, then kissing is quite acceptable. The first kiss, like the first love, is most often remembered for a lifetime and remains one of the strongest and most pleasant memories, a part of a pleasant or bitter experience (if the feelings were not mutual). If a guy kisses a girl first, when they already knew each other, he will admit his sympathy to her, show her that their relationship is closer than friendly. A girl, on the other hand, is often shy and does not dare to kiss, perhaps she did not have experience, or she is morally not ready for such an event, and if she sees a person for the first time, she may not like it when someone invades her personal space. In this case, you should not rush, wait and over time it will become clear whether she likes you or not, it may be better to postpone the kiss to a later time, or it will not take place at all.
So let's look at two options
The first, if the date took place and you kissed. And the second, if it passed without a kiss. The first date itself is exciting, with a lot of questions. Will you like each other? What impression will you make? How to look better? How will it go? Trust your intuition, feelings, observe, then in the first case you will just take the first step to become a little closer, a little clearer to the one who came on this date. In the second scenario, the most important thing is not to get upset and not rush to conclusions. In the end, in a couple, everything depends on two, and not on one person. In any case, the experience gained will be useful to you for life.