The first kiss often determines whether the relationship will continue or not. If the partners liked the touch with their lips, then everything is fine. And if not, they are uncomfortable, disgusted, etc. - which means that these people are not very suitable for each other as lovers, it is better for them to remain just friends.

Step 1
The first kiss is an important event, and you need to prepare for it. Notice if your breath is fresh. If there is a chance that the first kiss is about to occur, carry an oral spray or mints with you. But the spray is still better. It works quickly and in a targeted manner, it can be used in any situation.
Step 2
Do not paint your lips with lipstick, it will smear on your and your partner's cheeks. If you want your lips to be soft and moisturized, just lick them. Or apply a drop of clear, colorless gloss.
Step 3
If you are afraid or shy, tell your partner about it. And if you are not ready, you should not kiss with force. This will ruin the whole experience. You will be too preoccupied with the thought that you may have been in a rush to fully enjoy the kiss.
Step 4
If you and your partner are ready to kiss, look into each other's eyes and part your lips. Zoom in on the faces by turning one slightly to the left and the other to the right. Then the noses will not prevent you from touching your lips.
Step 5
When you feel your partner's lips on your lips, gently squeeze them, cover the lower lip with your upper lip. Suck slowly, trying to make slow, gentle movements.
Step 6
Lick your partner's lips with your tongue, but do not stick it deep inside - this can cause a gag reflex. Try to act carefully, do what you would like.
Step 7
During a kiss, you can hug your partner by the neck or waist, stroke his body, ruffle his hair. These tactile sensations are very important, you get to know your partner, get to know him. Take your time to get into sex. Romantic relationships cause a storm of emotions, so let it last longer.