Women are divided into two types: some marry those who are nearby, others are waiting for the prince of their dreams. The first try not to think about love, giving birth to children and doing family life. The latter cannot live without love. They definitely need to feel that next to them is exactly the man they need. If you are one of the ladies who are looking for the man of their dreams, you should understand what kind of dream it is and how to realize it.

Step 1
Understand who your dream is. Describe him externally, make a list of his habits, character traits. Try to figure out if there are any contradictions in the compiled portrait. For example, men rarely combine understanding and listening with brutality, and kindness with family advocacy. For the best effect, you can consult with a psychologist who will help you understand what psychological type of men prevails in your dreams.
Step 2
Search for prototypes of your princes in reality. These can be colleagues, husbands of girlfriends, brothers, father. At worst, you can take a closer look at famous actors, singers or athletes. Watch them. How do they build relationships with women? How much can you trust them? Are they able to take responsibility for the family? Sometimes it is not harmful to evaluate the concrete realization of your invented ideals in the form of real men. This helps you better understand what you need.
Step 3
Assess your prospects sensibly. For example, you need to look for rich men in five-star hotels and expensive resorts. Are you ready to invest money in this? Powerful men may not be attracted to women with a steely temperament. Can you survive a family power struggle with your ideal man? Try to soberly assess the prospects for your relationship.
Step 4
Think about where you can find your ideal. The psychological portrait of a man obtained and verified in practice can be interconnected with the social status or profession of a man. For example, lawyers are more prone to pedantry and discipline, sales managers, in general, are more aggressive and tenacious than their colleagues from neighboring departments. Professional hangouts, conferences, online forums can help you establish contact with a whole group of suitable men at once.