The easiest way to get acquainted today is to use the services of one of the many online dating sites. But so that such an acquaintance does not lead to disappointment, it is necessary to correctly describe yourself in the site's profile. Only in this case will you attract the attention of exactly the one you need.

Step 1
Before you start describing yourself, take a look at how other users of the site have done it. This is necessary in order to make your profile more rich, interesting and informative, in comparison with others. Be sure to think about how you describe the purpose of dating. This can be friendship, starting a family, communication via the Internet, rare dates, etc. Which category of men or women will seek to meet you depends on this goal.
Step 2
The questions of the questionnaire should also be answered based on the purpose of dating. For example, if you write that your goal is "family and parenting," then the hobby of "nightclub weekly" is unlikely to be combined with it. But if you want to meet an interesting girl for visiting entertainment venues, then this hobby is quite suitable.
Step 3
The questionnaire also needs the conditions in which you live, who you work, what you do in your free time, what interests you, as well as what you expect to see in your chosen one. This information is usually of interest to those who wish to get acquainted, and if you try to avoid providing it, you will cause a negative reaction. If you find it difficult to write on your own, some sites offer ready-made text blocks of life stories that you can take as a sample and edit.
Step 4
If, despite these examples, you still find it difficult to describe yourself, get family or friends to help. They, like no one else, are well aware of your shortcomings and advantages. You can also try answering the following questions. Do you have a distinctive character trait? What do you love and what do you dislike? Do you have a dream? What do you like and dislike about other people? What qualities do you value in yourself and others? What do you think makes a relationship successful? What are your hobbies? How do you see your loved one?
Step 5
Be honest about yourself by sticking to the facts. Naturally, you will want to show your best side, but these qualities should be really inherent in you. Be truthful when describing your appearance. You can put on your page a few of your favorite photos that illustrate you in the best possible way. Just do not deceive and upload processed or old photos - at the first date, the deception will still surface, and you will disappoint a new acquaintance.