Over the past decades, the world has developed so rapidly that many realities have become a thing of the past. That is why there are many things that modern children will not understand.

Film cassettes
If vinyl records are still produced and are in some demand among music collectors, then video and audio tapes are a thing of the past long ago. This medium was too fragile and unreliable: the tape in the cassettes was often confused, torn, scratched, so valuable records on it were very easily damaged. In addition, modern children are unlikely to see the connection between a pencil and a compact cassette, and this is how it was possible to rewind the film inside it.
Questionable taste preferences
Tar that could be chewed. Kissel in briquettes and powder juice, which was eaten dry. Burnt sugar in a spoon. These and dozens of other "delicacies" are unlikely to be understood, much less appreciated by modern children. Fortunately, in our time, there is no need for such delicacies, but some 30 years ago, children enjoyed using it with pleasure.
Glass cups in beverage vending machines
Soda machines still exist today. However, after purchase, the sweet drink is dispensed immediately in a plastic cup. In the distant past, soda was poured into glass glasses, which, after use, had to be rinsed in the same vending machine and put back in place. This scheme worked well then, but today it seems unthinkable, primarily for reasons of hygiene.
Health disc
A rotating metal disc used to be in almost every family. It was necessary to stand on it with your feet and move your hips: this supposedly achieved a thin waist. Today any coach will tell you how harmful and useless such a device was. And for a modern child, this subject will cause bewilderment.
Chewing gum inserts
In the late 1980s, when hundreds of goods from abroad poured onto store shelves, gum inserts were a real child's "currency". Imported chewing gum was quite expensive, it was not easy to buy it, so the cherished pictures from Turbo, TipiTip, Donald Duck were of great value. They were collected, changed, and sometimes bought from each other. Today, only a few brands (for example, Love is) support the theme of gum inserts, and in most cases this piece of paper with a cute picture is sent to the trash can along with the wrapper.
Buying jeans is like a dream
Jeans have been one of the most popular and everyday wardrobe items for many years, and the number of styles and models made of denim on the modern market is huge. Hardly any of the kids get in awe of buying this thing. Those who were born in the 80s will surely remember how difficult it was to get jeans and how coveted they were. Not without complex manipulations. The fashion of the past dictated its own laws: the trend was "boiled water". But since it was difficult to get a ready-made model in this style, the jeans were boiled at home using a special technology.
big washing
Those who complain about everyday life in our time simply did not live in the Soviet era. It is difficult for modern children to imagine what a large-scale process was a regular wash. Washing machines of that period performed a minimum of functions, and not everyone had them. Therefore, washing took the hostess the whole day. At first, the laundry had to be soaked, then washed by hand using a board, in especially difficult cases, boiled in a large saucepan. For push-ups of the largest things, as a rule, male strength was involved.
October, pioneers, Komsomol members
The key realities of Soviet childhood in our time are completely incomprehensible to children. Many of them are aware of this phenomenon, but are unlikely to appreciate its importance. Detachments, squads, ties, stars, pennants, chants - this and much more was an absolute priority, occupying a huge part of school life. Only those who were happy at that time can remember with warmth about Soviet childhood. The rest are unlikely to be thrilled by the memories of their pioneer childhood.
Scheduled cartoons
Any children's video content is currently available in unlimited quantities. Cartoons, movies, video blogs, programs - all this is available at any time thanks to the Internet. That is why it is so difficult for modern children to understand the fact that previously such entertainment could be obtained extremely rarely and at a certain time. At the moment of the release of the program "Good night, kids!", All the children were quiet at the screens. And when the first Disney cartoons began to be shown on TV, the streets were empty: to miss the next episode was a real tragedy.
"Honest" machines in transport
It is almost impossible to ride a hare in public transport today: everywhere there is either an electronic control system or a conductor. Many years ago, one of the most popular ways to pay for fares was mechanical self-service machines. It was necessary to throw a coin into it (without change) and unscrew the paper tape, tearing off the required number of tickets.