6 Things You Won't Change About A Man

6 Things You Won't Change About A Man
6 Things You Won't Change About A Man

Women fall in love with men, win them over, get married. However, often in their hearts they hope that over time they will be able to correct some of the shortcomings or character traits of their chosen one, bring the behavior and appearance of the partner to the ideal. But not all things can be changed in a person. There are features that are not even worth trying to fix. What 6 things do not lend themselves to "cleaning" by the forces of a woman?

6 things you won't change about a man
6 things you won't change about a man

One of the common misconceptions is the absolute belief of the weaker sex that it is possible to remake a person. Probably, outwardly it will look like a positive dynamics in the image of a man and his high-quality work on himself, but internally the essence will practically not change.

1. Bad habits

We are talking about little things like champing, biting nails, beer on Fridays, nicotine addiction, etc. If a man gets total control and he does not resist this is one thing, but on occasion he will still return to his favorite pastime, and this will be secretly from everyone or, on the contrary, for show, as a protest to the “overseer”.


If a man, at the exhortation of a woman, stopped indulging his bad habit, this is not yet a sign of great willpower. Only his attitude towards a woman is a conditional insurance against the return of habits. But things can come back overnight.

2. Style

Just as neatness in taking care of yourself, your clothes, shoes, the cleanliness of your home, your car, and the manner of dressing are not amenable to transformation. It is either in him, inherent in nature and parents, or not, and everything will have to be done by herself. However, a woman, dissatisfied with the appearance of a man, can choose clothes for him herself, clean his shoes and sign up for a haircut. And it often works! A man transforms, looks solid and gains weight. But as soon as the other half is sent one to the store, the wardrobe will regain the familiar features of an inveterate bachelor.

The neatness of a young man is shown already on the first dates. Here, any little things matter: whether he wears a scarf, whether he uses a comb, whether his things have an ironed look. If his level of accuracy does not cause rejection, then "we must take." And any loving woman is quite capable of adjusting to him and even doing something together in the direction of increasing neatness.

3. Family relationships

No matter how well a woman communicates with a man's family, she cannot influence her son's relationship with his parents and other relatives. To make their connection warmer and closer, if the relationship is cool, will be unrealistic. As well as "cutting the umbilical cord" in mama's son. After all, even an all-consuming love for a wife is also the result of the upbringing and influence of the mother.

Often the presence of the mother-in-law is not good for the marriage, so initially you should carefully look at how the chosen one communicates with his family. Fact: When choosing a husband, women prefer independent and independent people so that they do not have to fight the dominance of their husbands' relatives in their home.

4. Manners of communication

What style was originally, it will remain so until the end of days. If a man likes to be quiet after work, you will have to come to terms with it. If he is interested in talking in large quantities and often, it is worth adjusting to this communication style. Here, a woman should show maximum flexibility and not force a man to do something against his will. But to educate and instill etiquette - a correct and amiable manner of communication - a loving wife is quite capable of. But this will only be a false mask for decent behavior in society.

It is important at the initial stage of a relationship to recognize the craving for lies in a man. Caught once, he will lie over and over again. He can even swear that he will no longer deceive, and will sacredly believe in it. But one day nature will again take its toll.


Finally, rudeness and cruelty are something that cannot be eradicated in principle. Psychologists are sure that waiting for a change from a cruel aggressor is a waste of time. If repentance follows assault, this does not mean that deep down in the soul, the perception of rude behavior as the norm has changed. With a very high probability, history will repeat itself again.

5. Interests and hobbies

Men have interests that women do not accept and against which they resist all their life together. They may hate football and fishing, they may not understand the passion for hunting, floriculture and hiking. But if a woman wants her interests to be treated with respect, then the same should be done with respect to her man's hobbies.

This is an important part of the personality of the chosen one, which he is unlikely to give up due to the grumbling of his wife. The ideal solution would be to share the hobbies of a man, for which nature has endowed a woman with a more flexible character.

6. Life priorities

It is impossible to change the perception of the world, men's priorities and attitudes towards life values. This is because you have an already established personality, and it was necessary to change something (or form, re-lay) in childhood and adolescence.

If a man is not ready for marriage, it is difficult to convince him of the importance of this step. It is the same with children - it is simply unrealistic to persuade him to wait with the birth of children when he dreams of this. He may even agree with his wife, but only out of respect for her, but he will not change his opinion.


A man's values and priorities are the main component of his personality. He will not change his worldview just because a woman wants it. If the disagreement is too great, it is better to disperse.
