Do you want to change something in your man? Appearance, inner qualities, attitude towards you? Just spend your nerves and strength, and you may not like the result. Yes, there are also things that, in principle, cannot be changed.

Love for sports
Whether it will be regular watching (perhaps even over a beer with friends) broadcasts of matches on TV or serious activities in the hall (on the field, court, in the pool) - do not interfere. And even more so, do not force the choice between sports and you. Once (at the beginning of a relationship, because of strong love, unwillingness to quarrel, etc.) a man will miss the game, another will go to study or watch a match secretly, and the third … may openly prefer sports to you. And he will be right.

Unwillingness to discuss feelings with you
The trend “about relationships must be talked about” is a few years old. Half a century ago, it was wild even to imagine that a man could discuss love and friendship like his best friend. Today, some of the stronger sex have learned this, but most still prefer to remain silent. He said once: "I love, I will marry," and that's enough. Further, such a person will show his feelings with a good warm attitude, care. If this is not the case, then you can decide that something is wrong. And if a husband or a loved one is good to everyone, only he is silent, it is better to rejoice that he is so traditional and serious.
Dissatisfaction with the long women's training camp
There is probably no such man who would not be outraged by the many hours of gathering "into the world" (for bread, to dig potatoes at the dacha, to work, etc.) of his other half. Wise husbands just start getting together when their woman is ready. There are those who have achieved enlightenment and can just wait a long time, looking into emptiness, thinking about something of their own, while his girlfriend re-measures outfits, dyes, puts her hair and does other important things dozens of times. Most are outraged. Strongly outraged. This cannot be changed. It is better to change a woman and learn how to get ready for at least an hour.

Attitude towards sex
Sex without love. Quick sex with a stranger. Lust of other women (even if your own - desired and loved). The opportunity to change just like that, because an opportunity has arisen … Of course, this also occurs among women. But for the most part, these are male prerogatives.
Such a person, of course, can change, for example, because of strong love. But not necessarily. Many do not mix their own long-term relationships with their beloved partner, wife and frivolous (in their, naturally, opinion) meetings with other women. And nothing can be done about it … You may not know, accept, there is a chance to live a long family life with such a person. You can’t accept it like that, it’s probably easier for you to part.
Forgetfulness of important and not so important dates
When was the first acquaintance, how long has the first kiss and sex happened … but what can I say - even the date of the wedding, many of the stronger sex may not remember. Believe me, they are not out of spite.
If this is so important to you, organize "reminders". Just do not grumble, but paste, for example, stickers on the refrigerator or a special board, send the necessary information to your phone, send a special program to your laptop. All in your hands.
Talking to your woman
It's good, of course, if he brags about you. But this is not always the case. It is not uncommon for men to tell their friends (and some even their mothers) details that you would like to hide. For example, that you have not very elastic breasts or that you know how to do something like that in sex ….
In this respect, men are no different from women. We're gossiping, aren't we? Why, then, cannot others?
Lies on trifles
"Honey, I'm late at work." (And he met with friends). "Yes, I had breakfast." (In fact, I didn't even drink coffee before leaving the house)."Didn't hear the phone ringing." (Yes, I just didn't want to answer). Men have lied, lie and will lie …
This, however, is a common human trait. If the lies are not global, do not play detective. Save your nerves. And remember if you always tell the truth.
Dressing habits
If, before the wedding, your husband loved a democratic style of clothing, then afterwards he will not be delighted with a three-piece suit, no matter how much you would like it. Did you prefer things bought by your mother (only family panties, cotton shirts, and underpants - underpants)? So it will continue like this, even if it infuriates you. When dating this metrosexual (that even your friends doubt his orientation), then do not expect that under your influence he will turn into a brutal.
Accept the person for who they are. Or don't take it at all.
Economy or, conversely, mismanagement
A man who already at the first visit to you repaired a tap, nailed a shelf, in 50 years will meet old age in a house built with his own hands. At the same time, he will also "build" you so that you will only think about the house and order. And the gouge, who does not care that everything falls off in the apartment and who does not see the scattered garbage point-blank, will remain so. Can you live with this? With the most optimistic forecast, he will earn money for cleaning and a team of workers. But this is not always the case.
And this is already a serious call. A man is rude, admitting the opportunity to swear, humiliate, and even more so - to hit a woman will not just remain so. These qualities will get worse over the years. If you do not want to one day become a victim of domestic violence, think a hundred times … No, not about the need to re-educate such a person. This is impossible! No way! Never! And about how to run from this before it's too late.