As a rule, many women claim the attention of a Sagittarius man: representatives of this sign are open to other people, they easily make acquaintances and love to flirt. To become the only one for him, you need to keep in mind the subtleties of his character.

Step 1
The Sagittarius man is very sociable and no less loving. Flirting is commonplace for him, although he does not set himself the task of playing cat and mouse with girls. In relations with them, he is sincere and sometimes he himself does not understand what attracts him from one coast to another. Try to captivate the representative of this sign with a simple conversation. It is easy to talk to Sagittarius: even if you are in a cafe, from the window of which you can see the ugly city ruins, notice by chance that they look like, say, the ruins of the Colosseum. And the fruit-cut umbrella canapé reminds you of the Eiffel Tower. Sagittarius' romantic attraction to travel will make him look at you differently.
Step 2
Keeping a Sagittarius interested is easy, but keeping him is much more difficult. He loves girls with high intelligence and a good sense of humor, initiative and spontaneous, like himself. Love for him is something like a big adventure, so do not give up your positions without a fight. He will certainly want to conquer the one who, like him, is not devoid of romance and slight extravagance. At the beginning of your relationship, let him leave you for a while or just go about his business. More than anything, the Sagittarius man loves freedom, and having received it, he begins to miss his beloved, so he quickly returns.
Step 3
Sagittarius loves variety in everything. From a woman tied to everyday life, he will slip away at the first opportunity. It is almost impossible to keep it within four walls. Sagittarius is not a stay-at-home, but he will love with all his heart a home in which space, a lot of light and his favorite things will be felt. Invite his friends to the house. So he will be at home more often, and you will make friends with his close circle, which Sagittarius will undoubtedly be proud of. Constantly expand your horizons and get rid of complexes, including in sex.